Chapter five

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Chapter 5


The light on the watchman's desk at the end of the hall was the only light in the long hallway of the brig. The cell is a standard 8 X 8 cement room. I have been a model prisoner for the last six months, granting me new privileges and freedoms. I have been given janitorial detail for the week and I've taken full advantage of it. Cautiously. Leaning back on the rock hard slab of a bed, I stare up at the ceiling. A smile curving my lips at the thought of finally being able to use the cards dealt to me years ago.

The opportunity literally had fallen into my lap. I was vacuuming behind the secretary's desk when I hit my hip against the mouse pad and bumped the computer screen on. Looking down at the lit up screen I saw her email account was still open. It was the opening I needed and took it. I know the Colonel would never want his secret to come out. I know the letters that he's received have the man on edge. Who knows his secret? Who would dare to send the mighty Colonel McAfferty a threatening message? Me, I dare, I know, I will destroy him. A short email would only send the Colonel down that slippery spiral slide and right where I want him to be.

It took longer than I would have liked, but I will be out of here once the Colonel makes the connection. I have my own mother to thank for my luck with the draw. Carol Dean Hastings raised me to be a family man. She reiterated to me everyday, how important it is to not take a single moment, a single day for granted. It might be the last chance I have. My Uncle Tom is a prime example. Mother and her stepbrother were as close as two siblings could be, although they were not related by blood. When Tom died in the line of duty, it nearly killed her as well.

I discovered the truth about my uncle when my mother had taken ill and I went through her personal documents to find her medical records. What I found was a devastating letter that changed the course of my life.

Dearest Sis,

If you are getting this, I am dead. We make out a will and a letter to our loved ones before we leave, just in case. You mean the world to me. I hope someday you will understand why I did what I did.

I betrayed my best friend. John was like a brother to me. I wish you two could have met. You would have liked him. I know when he finds out what I've done, he might kill me. I couldn't blame him. If I were in his shoes, I'd kill me, too. The guilt is making me distracted here and I need to tell someone. I slept with John's wife, Stella. The three of us were best of friends. She wanted a baby and believed John was unable to father a child. We have a daughter, Cassie. I've seen her only once, but she is beautiful. I think she has my eyes.

Stella and I knew we were treading on shaky ground, but we did it anyway. Poor Stella, as happy as she was to have a baby, has been sick with guilt over our tryst. I wish I could ease her pain, but nothing I do now will make it better.

Perhaps, someday you and John will meet. If you do, please tell him I understand and I don't blame him for what he has done. Tell him, despite it all, I cherished his friendship. Semper Fi.



The letter told me everything I needed to know. Colonel John McAfferty killed my Uncle Tom for having an affair with his wife, Stella, and allowed the war they were in to cover it up. My mother had a hard time dealing with Tom's death for years afterward. I noticed whenever Tom's name arose in conversation she would get very upset. After reading the letter, I now understood why. My uncle must have died by his best friend's hands.

I set out to confront his killer. I learned all I could about the Colonel before approaching him. Know your enemies. It was the first lesson I learned in the corp. I had made plenty. I knew them all.

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