Chapter 33

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Chapter 33


She won't leave me. Cassie denied her father's request and stuck close to me. Upset and anxious that he would try to separate us again.

Doc went to work. I cringed in pain but refused to get knocked out. I need to stay alert. The stitches had broken and the wound was once again bleeding badly. Doc re-sewed the wound on my shoulder quickly as I bit down on a thick stick. Eventually Cassie convinced me to take some pain medication but I wouldn't take enough to sleep. There are too many questions to be answered before I can rest.

From what I know, Anthony is still out there and hunting us. If I take the full dose Doc wants me to take, only the Colonel would be left to protect his family. As much as I respect Colonel McAfferty, it had been a long time since the man has seen battle. Planning it was one thing, facing it another.

Once bandaged up, Doc left Cassie to take care of me. I smiled weakly up at Cassie as she sat next to me. I'm tired, so very tired and weak but I refuse to close my eyes again. The medication has taken the edge off. As much as I would like to hold Cassie, I don't have the strength. Her hands grip tight on mine and the simple touch relaxes me.

"Sleep. Daddy's downstairs calling back the troops. They'll be here soon." Cassie whispers, her fingers stroking over the back of my hand.

"My job is to protect you, not theirs." I can barely say the words without slurring, but I know I need to get up. I need to move and finish my assignment. Dean is still out there. For all we know, he could be right outside the gate "Where's Jacob?"

"With Mama. She won't let anything happen to him." Cassie is certain her father is watching everything like a hawk. I wish I had her confidence.

"Keep him inside, Cassie. It's not safe outside." I know it isn't a good idea to let Jacob go outside. That is where Dean has made himself at home. It was too easy for him to just come up to the house whenever he felt like it. How many times had he gotten in without her knowledge?

I pushed myself up to a seated position. For my own peace of mind, I need to know the house is secure. Cassie reaches out, gently pushing my shoulders back against the headboard. Keeping me in bed.

"What are you doing?" She knows I can't fight her.

As much as I want her hands on me, now isn't the time. I have to complete my mission. Cassie and Jacob aren't safe. Not until Dean is behind bars, or better yet, dead. Throwing my legs over the side of the bed, I breathed heavily in pain. My head spun and a wave of nausea rolled into my throat. Swallowing hard, I bit back the urge to curl into the soft bed and forced myself to stand up.

Cassie stood with me, carefully guiding me so I didn't fall. "Travis, this isn't a good idea."

"Maybe not, but Dean is still loose, right? Your father's men haven't located him?" I need details on what is being done.

Cassie shook her head, that brief flicker of fear once again lit her eyes. I want to be sure I never have to see that look on Cassie's face again. "Then I still have a job to do."

The scream from the yard broke the moment. Adrenaline rushed through me, waking my senses. I'm suddenly on full alert. We raced through the house and out the back door. Cassie stopped dead on the back steps looking around the yard. I came to a quick halt behind her and upon the sight before me, knew I was right. Moving around her, I let my adrenaline take over.

The Colonel heard the scream as well and raced out the door a moment later. Seeing his wife on the ground, blood spilling from her temple, he froze. It has been a long time since he has seen the blood of battle.

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