Chapter 35

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Chapter 35


"I've got him, darling. You go take care of Travis." Mel snuggles my baby closer. She knows I need to go.

The initial urge to stop me is there, but she understands. Mel would feel the same if she were in my shoes. The man I love is in danger. Of course, I'm going to protect him. I didn't divert my eyes from the critical glare I'm receiving, but held out my hand and waited for Doc to pass me the gun. He looked at me as if I've lost my mind and shook his head.

Stubborn just like my father, I don't back down. "You can't stop me. My father is missing, my mother is hurt and Travis is on his own. He needs back up." My voice takes on a dangerous calm that I don't feel inside. I'm scared and worried about all of us but I've been scared of Anthony for the last year. I'm tired of being scared.

It's the calm before the storm. I know this is going to be a lot worse before it gets better. And I'm not wrong to be scared, I'd be worried if I wasn't scared. Doc knows that too.

"Do you know how to use it?" Doc wonders, as if Dad would allow me to not know how to handle a gun.

    "Yes. Dad trained me when I was fourteen." I verify as he hesitates to hand it over."Do you have extra shells?"

"You won't need them." Resigned, he pulls out the box from his pocket. "I will." Checking the gun himself, he prepares to head out with me.

I was getting myself mentally prepared, knowing if I go out that door, I won't be coming back until Anthony is out of our lives for good. One way or another. If that means Anthony takes me down with him, at least I'll know Jacob will be safe.

"Take care of my baby, Mel. I'll be back soon." Keeping my voice soft so I don't alarm him, I quietly whisper the rest. "If I don't get out of there, take Jacob and run. Start over but don't let him get my baby."

"Don't talk like that! You're going to raise your baby!" Mel forcefully replies.

"We gotta move, Cassie." Doc rests the shotgun on his shoulder and holds the pistol out to me. Leaning in, I kiss my boy on the top of the head.

"Keep him safe." I whisper, and give Doc a nod before taking the gun from him as we head into the bushes.

"Don't shoot the wrong person. You follow my orders. Don't get a wild hair up your ass, girl. I'd like to get home for dinner." Doc seems to think this is just a walk in the woods. Maybe for him, for a decorated vet, this is easier than it is for me. Maybe it's just wishful thinking. Either way, I don't think this is going to be simple for either of us.

Not far off I could hear the rustling of leaves and grunt and groans of a fight. I leaned back against a tall, wide tree and closed my eyes for a moment. Focus was the main thing my father taught her. If I wasn't focused, I couldn't hit the broad side of a barn.

The wind whistled through the trees, the sound of the leaves falling and hitting the ground was soft in the background. My concentration remained on those grunts and groans. I could hear Travis, his breath heavy and weak. He is still too weak to fight Anthony on his own. Then I heard Anthony, his raspy voice carrying through the brush as he made his threat to Travis to take me and do with me what he wanted, at his will.

"Over my dead body." I muttered. Slowly, Doc got down on all fours and crawled cat-like through the brush.

I followed him and crept right behind him, searching for our prey. Now fully aware of our surroundings, the hair on the back of my neck standing on end in fear. We're close now, closer than I ever wanted to be to that man again.

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