New Girl

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6 am comes quicker than I want it to. As tired as I was last night, my brain wouldn't stop thinking about this job and I couldn't fall asleep. As I sit up in bed my stomach turns. Anxiety. I shuffle to the bathroom to freshen up. I don't usually have to get up this early for work, so I showered the night before to save time. A quick brush through my hair and a quick swipe of eyeliner and concealer would have to be good enough.

After brushing my teeth, I sift through the rolling coat rack that acts as my makeshift closet. There's never enough room for all your stuff in New York, but I've managed to collect a number of outfits that are both professional and comfortable. I decide on a white bodysuit paired with black joggers and a matching blazer. Finished with my Dr. Marten sandals and silver jewelry, I finally feel like I have enough confidence to give this job the best version of me.

The confidence quickly fades when I reach the venue of the music video shoot. It's a large building with several entrances and it takes me a while to find the right one. Elizabeth didn't give me nearly enough information, I think. Luckily, I'm the type of person who would rather be too early than late, so I gave myself plenty of extra time this morning. Taped on the glass door is a piece of paper that reads "JYP Entertainment" and nothing else.

I stop for a moment before opening the door to wonder why this company's name is familiar to me, and then my eyes grow very wide. This is a K-pop music video! I can't believe they're filming in New York! I have to steady myself because if I wasn't nervous before, I sure as hell am now. I don't know a whole lot about K-pop, but I know that it's an intense and serious industry. Beautiful people wearing flashy outfits and performing some of the most intricate dance moves. I also know that most of the groups in K-pop use social media heavily to connect with their fans, and that there are strict rules they must abide by to maintain their image. Everything has to be perfect. Shit.

When I finally walk inside I am greeted by a small woman with sleek black hair and rosy cheeks.

"Can I help you?" She asks pleasantly.

"Yes, my name is Sage Lennox. I'm here for the makeup job."

"Of course," she nods. "May I please see your ID?"

I hand her my driver's license and she checks my name against her clipboard. I notice that most all of the other names were already checked off. Great. I'm one of the last to arrive.

"Follow me, please." She leads me into the building and the lobby. I'm close behind her, all too aware at how loud my makeup cart is as it rolls beside me. Past the lobby, we reach a long hallway with multiple doors on either side.

"Bathrooms are here." She points at the doors to our left.

The end of the hallway leads to a set of huge double doors that open up to a very large set. My eyes can't decide where to land. I see a diner, an alley, and a large green screen among other different backdrops. The middle of the room is filled with cameras and various other equipment. On the right side of the room, there are long tables set up against the wall with various refreshments. There are two rooms along this wall as well. One looks like a lounge because it has multiple couches, chairs, pillows, and a tv. The other room has salon chairs and mirrors, which I assume to be the makeup room.

"Here is where you'll be." The small woman points to the room, confirming my guess. "Heather is already setting up, she's the other stylist. She can help you get settled as well. I'll be back in the lobby should you need anything." She smiles and turns to head back.

"Excuse me," I stop her. "May I ask your name?"

"Lily." She smiles at me. "Welcome!" And then she heads on her way.

Well, this is it. I grip the handle on my makeup cart and start for the makeup room when I see them.

The group walks in from the double doors that I just entered and make their way to the refreshment tables. Elizabeth told me right as I counted 8 members. I'm immediately intrigued when I see the different hair colors. Most have natural looking brown or black hair, but a few are sporting very bright colors. I see the tallest of the group and immediately notice his bright red hair that reaches his shoulders. One member has cobalt blue, and another has bleach blonde hair.

Thank God I don't have to dye their hair!

I take a few more moments to watch them because they seem preoccupied with the snacks that are offered. I can see why there is such an appeal to K-pop. Each one of these men is more handsome than the last and I can tell they are charismatic. They are making jokes and laughing at each other as they raid the tables. I scan each of their faces in admiration but I'm caught when I reach the last one.

He's standing at the end of the table and looking right at me. His hair is brown and wavy like mine, except the length ends just below his eyebrows. He has plump lips and a long, broad chin. I struggle to make eye contact but I do it anyway. He has sharp eyes and I see them travel down my body before landing on my face again. He raises an eyebrow just slightly enough to make me believe that he's wondering why I was looking at him first. Yet he keeps staring and I can't tell if the intensity is intended.

As entranced as I am, I break first out of intimidation. I make it into the makeup room before I realize how fast my heart is beating. I can't believe he caught me looking at him. I'm humiliated. Those eyes stay with me and it takes me a second to right myself.

Who is he?

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