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I wake up the next morning in Lily's bed. There wasn't much of a party to go back to after what happened between Minho and I, so Seungmin walked us home. Lily lent me a pair of her pajamas, fixed me a cup of tea, and listened to my worries some more before we both fell asleep.

I sit up when I feel the sun hitting my face and find that Lily has already gotten out of bed. My head is pounding, an unfortunate reminder that I drank too much again. I can hear the sound of pans and dishes clinking in the kitchen, so I walk downstairs and find her making breakfast. She gestures me to sit at the island, where there's already a cup of coffee waiting for me. She's such a good friend.

"So, do you want to get your mind off things some more? Go shopping with me today?" She asks me between bites of scrambled eggs.

"That sounds fun. What do you need to get?"

"I thought we could finally look for some pictures and stuff to hang up in your place. And I want to find a new bedding set for myself."

"Hey, now! I just slept in your bed and now you're threatening to get new sheets? That's so rude."

She shoves me playfully. "I could burn the whole bed, but I'm trying to be nice!"

I walk down the hall to my apartment so that I can shower and change before we go shopping. I'm just about ready to meet Lily back at her place when my phone dings.

Changbin 9:21am- Hey. How are you feeling?

I can't stop myself from smiling. After his admission last night, I feel extra special that he's reaching out and checking on me.

Sage 9:23am- Not sure what hurts more, my head or my pride.

Changbin 9:24am- I think we all drank too much last night, so please don't worry anymore.

Changbin 9:24am- But you should rest up today so you feel better for work tomorrow. I want to see you again.

I almost throw my phone across the room out of giddiness. I don't know what to do with myself after he blatantly flirts with me like that. I hurry back to Lily with a smug expression on my face as I show her the text messages.

"Well, let's get going then! Looks like I can't keep you out all day, Changbin's orders!" She winks at me.

She still kept me out for most of the day. Lily showed me around some of the best shopping centers in Seoul and I was able to pick out a lot of decor and necessities for my apartment. Finally, we go to a department store and look for bedding there. She points several options out to me to ask for my opinion.

"Do you like this one?" She points to a light gray set with baby pink sheets.

"It's cute, but I think the sage green set is my favorite!"

She shakes her head. "You would like that one!"

"It's a pretty color! But you should get the one that you like the best."

She grins as she picks up the sage green set. "It is a pretty color. And it will remind me of my best friend!"

I notice the size of the bedding as the throws it in the cart.

"Wait, that's King size. Isn't your bed a Queen?"

She stands mouth open, unsure of what to say. "Y-yeah, but... I like to buy bigger sheets. You know, in case they shrink in the dryer?"

I find her answer strange but I let it go. It's her bed, after all.

The sun is setting as we head home, making the sky a beautiful mixture of pink and orange. I do have to admit that the sunsets in South Korea are beautiful. On our walk home, we pass by a perfect spot to take pictures where you can see the sunset and also the Han River in the background. Lily and I take a couple of selfies together before she points the camera to me and takes a few candid shots.

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