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Changbin tells me that I should come to the practice room with them just in case they need touch ups while filming. But he takes my hand and drags me out of the room before I have a chance to grab any makeup or hairspray.

He continues to hold my hand as we walk down the hallway to the elevator. Once again, he appears so casual when he touches me, while I can't control the blush that's forming on my cheeks.

The elevator doors open, and Changbin begins to lead me inside, but I trip over the threshold and start to fall. He's somehow fast enough to turn around and catch me, letting me crash into his chest instead of the floor.

When I look up at his face and see his wide eyes, I immediately burst into laughter. He starts too, and together we laugh at my clumsiness. I realize that I'm grasping his t-shirt in my fists as a result, so I let go and rest my hands on him instead in an excuse to feel his muscular chest. He pulls me to him and drops his head closer to mine and his laughter slows down, but a genuine smile stays on his face. I start to wonder what it would feel like to have him kiss me again. Before I can find out, a voice calls to us.

"Hold the door, please!"

Changbin reaches to place a hand in front of the elevator door, preventing it from closing. Heather rounds the corner quickly before we can put enough distance between us, so all she sees is the awkward moment when I step away from Changbin. It looks worse than it is.

Caught off guard, she stops in the entrance of the elevator, her eyes darting back and forth between Changbin and I, yet not making eye contact with either of us. This time she doesn't look completely disgusted to see me, but I can't place the emotion on her face.

"Nevermind. I'll take the stairs." She leaves just as quickly as she appears. Of all people that could find me in a compromising position with Changbin, did it have to be her?! Between this and the flirting in the makeup salon, I'm not making it any easier for her to take me seriously.

I give Changbin a worried look, but he shakes his head, telling me that it's nothing to worry about.

When we reach the practice room, the guys tease Changbin about being late and joke around that it's my fault. I can tell though that they don't seem to mind. Except Minho. He rolls his eyes when he sees Changbin and I enter the room together. Against one of the walls, there's a sitting area consisting of a long, black couch. I find a spot there to watch the guys perform from behind the camera.

The music starts and the guys get into position, moving together as one unit. They way they work together and let each other take the lead is amazing. They're all so talented, charismatic, and funny. I especially love watching Changbin. He has a strong, dark aura when he's performing. He moves in a way that's so confident and intentional, it's no wonder why I'm so drawn to him. He keeps stealing glances at me during filming, and I end up having to look away because I'm worried he's going to get distracted and make a mistake.

When filming is complete, the guys spread out to cool down and relax. Chan, Hyunjin, and Minho sit on the floor to stretch. Seungmin and Jeongin go to grab some water. The rest of the guys come over to the couch to sit down.

When Changbin walks over towards me, he pulls some AirPods out of his pocket and hands me one, putting the other in his ear. He sits down next to me and starts playing some funny videos on his phone, holding it horizontally so that we can watch together.

He makes it seem so easy to be next to me doing something so simple. I'm grateful that it didn't take us long to get over the awkwardness of what happened in New York. I scoot a little closer to him and rest my head on his shoulder while we look at his phone. He's a little sweaty from dancing, but I'm just happy to be close to him.

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