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I spend the last of the money I have saved for groceries this week on ten iced americanos from the coffee shop closest to the music video set. Lily must see me approaching from inside the lobby because she steps outside with a bewildered look on her face.

"Wow. You have your hands full this morning!"

"Take one off my hands and it'll lighten the load!" I grin at her.

"Really?! I can have one?!"

"Considering I bought one specifically for you, please take it!"

Lily's face is so bright and adorable as she takes one of the coffee cups. I have to figure out how to be her friend!

Walking inside, I see that most of the guys are hanging out in the lounge next to the makeup room. Perfect. I lean on the door frame and clear my throat to get their attention, lifting the coffee up for them to see. I'm greeted by a plethora of praise and gratitude as they basically run each other over to get one. I think I even hear Felix shout "Best makeup artist ever!" in his excitement. Changbin is the last to walk over and he leans against the opposite side of the door, facing me.

"That was very kind of you."

"It's nothing. You guys have been so welcoming to me." I extend the coffee to him, allowing him to grab one.

"Is the last one for you?" He asks.

"Um..... no. I bought it for Heather." I watch as he registers my answer and his eyes pop wide open. It seems like he's contemplating what to say next.

"Well, that was double kind of you." He crosses his arms and shifts the weight between his feet. "I'll have to return the favor sometime soon."

I squeal on the inside but I keep my cool. "Nonsense. You guys work super hard. The least you deserve is decent coffee."

"You're something else, Miss Sage." Ugh, the way he says my name.

"I hope that's a good thing?"

"Hmm, I think I need a little more research to figure that out." He winks and then reaches for my forearm. Before walking away, he gives me a reassuring squeeze just like he did with my hand on my first day.

I put the last americano on Heather's makeup counter without a note. I don't think she would drink it if she knew it was from me.

* * *

On the last day of shooting, it seems like spirits are high and I try to keep mine up as well. Everyone is glad that the job is almost done, but I don't know what's next for me after this and it makes me anxious.

It's dark on set towards the end of the day. Most of the members have finished their parts and gone home, but Changbin, Lee Know, I.N, and Seungmin are still here filming the last scenes. I think Changbin is giving the last day his all, because I've never seen him dance so hard. He gets sweaty quickly and I have to do touch ups on him often.

"Are you okay?" He asks as I blot the sweat off of his forehead.

"I'm okay! I'm just...kind of sad, I think. This job has been a lot of fun and I don't want it to end. You have made this job a lot of fun, actually." I attempt to make eye contact but my confession slows me down.

It doesn't seem like he knows what to say so he remains silent. I feel embarrassed that he doesn't respond so I change the subject.

"I left your lip color in the makeup room. Let me go grab it." I turn to leave but he's walking with me instead. He follows me to the empty room and he leans against the counter, hands clasped and watching me. I can't shake his gaze as I rummage through my case to find his product.

"Here," I say and lightly grab his chin to steady my hands. It's hard to focus when I'm touching him. I start applying the color to his lips with the applicator but end up blending with my middle finger, using slow, gentle movements along his soft lips. Touching his mouth directly sends my body a surge of electricity and I don't think about whether I should be doing this or not. I get a little closer to him and move his hair from his eyes. He's wearing contacts again, but the same intensity is still there. At first I panic, thinking that I overstepped. He still doesn't say anything, but his body responds by placing both of his hands on the small of my back. I take another step towards him. He's beginning to wrap his arms around my waist when we're interrupted by footsteps nearing the room. I step back quickly, still holding the lip color in my hand. Lee Know pops his head in, unfazed, so I guess that we don't look suspicious.

"Director said two more minutes, guys." He tells us. "Come on Changbin, it's the last scene and then we can leave."

Changbin nods to Lee Know and then steps away from me without looking. No reassuring smile or squeeze this time. I feel worse than I did before and I hate myself for being so drawn to him. I start packing up my things since they're shooting their last scene now and my work is seemingly finished. Lily comes in the room with a bag on her shoulder. It looks like she's ready to go home too.

"Hey! You finished with work?" She's just as perky as usual.

"Yeah, I think so. I'm just going to clean the counters and sweep the floors before I leave."

"Okay," she nods and then adds, "Will I see you at the staff dinner tomorrow night?"

"Staff dinner? Am I invited to that?"

"Of course! JYP always holds a dinner for everyone once a project is finished. Anyone that helped is invited! Did Heather not tell you?"

Of course she didn't. "Oh, I don't know, Lily. I think I might feel out of place."

"Don't be silly! You can come with me!" She grabs both of my hands and raises them to her face. She grins, pleading for me to say yes.

"Okay fine! But only because you will be there."

She squeals in excitement and runs away. "I'll text you!" She shouts as she turns the corner.

Just as soon as Lily leaves, Changbin is back. I'm confused because he should be filming for the video, but he enters the room again and shuts the door behind him. I start to open my mouth to apologize for being inappropriate, but before I can he closes the distance between us and suddenly his lips are on mine.

I'm so caught off guard that I don't know what to do with myself. Changbin holds my face gingerly in his hands and he kisses me—short, soft sweet kisses. My arms won't listen to my brain telling them to grab him and instead they hang useless at my sides. My knees aren't any better and they feel like they could buckle beneath me with each peck that he lands on my mouth. He pulls away—still holding me—and I see his eyes travel between the two of mine, searching my face for a reaction.

I grin. Oh God, the cheesiest, toothiest grin. Seo Changbin just kissed me. My mind is blank, completely emptied, but he kissed me!

"You've made working fun, too." He finally speaks, the first thing he's said to me since he asked if I was okay. He lets go of my face and moves his hands to rest on my shoulders. "Can I see you tonight?"

I somehow manage to nod, still reeling and still smiling. Changbin's eyes are different now. They're bright and playful. Happy. He smiles too.

"I have a few more things tonight to go over with our manager but," He reaches behind me and grabs my phone from the counter to type his number into it. "Text me your address and I'll pick you up when I'm done, okay?"

My head is spinning, my lips feel numb, and my heart is beating out of my chest. What happens next with us?

Confident || ChangbinDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora