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I follow Lily's voice and I see that she's back over by the couches. I run over as fast as I can, thinking that she's in trouble, but it's not her. Heather is sitting on one of the couches, completely slumped over, her blonde hair covering her face.

"What happened?!" I begin trying to wake Heather. She's breathing okay but she's not responsive.

"I don't know, I—I think maybe she just drank too much." Lily begins to cry. Seungmin puts an arm around her.

"She could have been drugged." Felix says.

"Let's get her outside. Maybe the cool air will help." I decide. The rest of us watch as Bang Chan scoops Heather up easily in his arms and heads towards the door. There's no bench outside the club, so he sets her down on the concrete against the wall of the building.

"I'm calling an ambulance." Youngjae starts.

"Wait. She's waking up." Seungmin interjects.

I crouch down to where she's sitting and continue to call her name and gently shake her shoulders. She eventually opens her eyes just slightly and groans.

"Heather? Hey. Are you okay? How do you feel?"

She answers me by leaning forward and vomiting on my dress. Great. Everyone gasps behind me. Youngjae gags. Minho laughs. Changbin runs inside to grab some towels.

"B-better nowwwww." Heather slurs her speech.

"Listen, Heather. This is important. Did you take any drinks from anyone tonight?" I ask. She shakes her head.

"Did you leave any of your drinks unattended?" Felix asks. She shakes her head.

"Are you sure?"

She nods.

"I think she'll be okay, guys. She looks a lot better now, plus since she puked hopefully that will lessen the effects." Chan says.

"Yeah. She needs someone to stay with her tonight though. To keep an eye on her and to help her hydrate." I say.

"I'll stay with her." Lily says.

"Great. Then let's get her settled. Where is she staying?"

"At the hotel with all the rest of us."

"Let's go."

Youngjae calls us all a ride while I attempt to clean off my dress the best that I can. Changbin stands next to me with a hand on my back.

"Come back to the hotel with us. It's too late for you to travel all the way home. My room has an extra bed and I can give you clean clothes to sleep in." He offers. I nod, thinking that fresh clothes and a place to crash for the night is a great idea. A separate bed, however, I wasn't going to agree to so easily.

Two SUVs arrive within minutes to pick us up. Changbin, Lily, Seungmin, Heather, and I pile into one while Youngjae, Bang Chan, Minho, Felix, and Hajoon take the other. Changbin keeps a hand on my thigh and caresses it during the ride, the sexual tension between us somehow still present even while I'm covered in vomit. When we arrive at the hotel, Seungmin and Lily both support Heather from either side.

"I'll make sure they both get to the room safely before I go to mine." Seungmin says.

"Thanks, Seungmin." I say, then I look at Heather. She's even more alert now. "Do you think you'll be okay if Lily stays with you tonight?"

"Yes. I'm okay."

"Okay. You had us worried back there, Heather. Please try not to scare your friends like that again."

"Who said you were my friend?" She challenges, and I start to feel offended but then she cracks a smile and I realize that she's joking.

"Go get some rest, you brat!" I shoo the three of them away.

Changbin and I walk into the hotel together and wait for the elevator in silence. It isn't until the elevator starts moving that he breaks the silence.

"You were so amazing to Heather tonight. Even though she hasn't always been nice to you."

"Everyone deserves kindness, Changbin. And she needed help. Any of us would have helped her tonight."

"I know that, of course. It's just— it takes a special kind of person to be that kind, all of the time." He looks down when he says this and I pick up on a hint of sadness in his voice again, just like back at the restaurant. Is something wrong?

Once we're in his hotel room, Changbin starts rummaging through his luggage for some suitable clothes for me to wear. He hands me a plain white t-shirt and some black sweatpants before running the warm water for me. As I shower and finally remove the smell of vomit from myself, I keep thinking about how quickly his mood seems to change. I wonder if I've done something wrong, but how can that be when he's been complimenting me and touching me all night? When he invites me to sleep in his room? I chalk it up to overthinking and try to focus on the fact that I finally have him alone tonight.

When putting on Changbin's clothes, I opt out of putting my panties back on since I got so sweaty while dancing. His sweatpants are so big on me and there's no drawstring so they keep slipping, which means I have to pull them way up in an effort to get them to stay on. I exit the bathroom and see Changbin standing at the end table between the two beds, plugging in his devices and seemingly getting ready for bed. His face softens when he sees me.

"You look good in my clothes!" He smirks.

I begin to take a step towards him and it happens. The sweatpants that are too big for me fail and fall to my feet. I see Changbin's eyes grow wide and I gasp, starting to panic. Then I look down and realize that I'm still safely covered by his t-shirt that's also too big on me. It hangs just enough to conceal the fact that I'm naked underneath. Phew!

"Did you give me these faulty pants on purpose?!" I accuse him jokingly.

"No, but I'm certainly not complaining about them." He grins and looks at my bare legs.

I start the walk towards him again, still feeling the effects of the alcohol that gives me courage. I drape my arms around his shoulders and look over at the alarm clock. 1am. Changbin puts his hands on my waist and I feel the warmth growing between us.

"Are you tired?" I ask, looking back at him. He pulls me in for a hug and moves my wet hair over to one side, leaving the other side of my neck open and bare. He plants a small kiss below my jaw before whispering in my ear.

"Not in the slightest."

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