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"Sage!" I look up to see Changbin standing in a doorway, arms outstretched towards me.

I smile at him. He's so handsome. What is he doing here?

"Sage!" He calls to me again, waving his arms to ask me to come to him.

I want to go to him. I want to fall into his arms and let him envelope me.

But I can't. I can't move.

Why can't I move?

I look down at my feet. They're planted firmly on the floor, but there's nothing trapping them there.

So why can't I move?

I focus on my feet, willing myself to pick them up and take a step forward. But my body isn't listening to my brain.

I look back at Changbin. I want to ask him why I can't move.

But instead I watch his face fall. He's concerned.


He looks past me and frowns.

I turn my head and look behind me.

He's here too.

I watch in horror as Dylan walks towards me. Arms at his side. Face emotionless.

I want to go to Changbin.

But I can't.

Why won't my fucking legs move?!

"Sage!" Changbin calls to me once more, but he's not moving either.

Why won't he come get me?

I start to panic as I look around, stuck in one place.

Changbin in front of me. Arms out, waiting.

My feet below me. Paralyzed, unwilling.

Dylan behind me. Closer, intimidating.

With no other option, I shut my eyes tightly and await my fate.

* * *

"Sage!" Changbin's voice sounds different now. Deeper.

I feel a hand shake my shoulder gently. I open my eyes and find myself face to face with the side of my toilet. I sit up slowly, feeling weak and dizzy.

Felix and Hyunjin are sitting by me, their faces painted with worry.

"Hey. Are you okay? I've been trying to wake you up for a while!" Felix blurts out in concern as soon as I'm somewhat vertical. I think back to my dream. Felix was the one calling out to me.

"I'm fine, I just—" Before I can lie about my condition, another wave of nausea hits me and I throw my body over the side of the toilet to vomit again.

Ugh. Did I have to do this in front of them?

"You drank too much last night." Hyunjin states the obvious as he gets up to grab a wash cloth and wets it with warm water. He hands it to me and I plaster the whole thing over the surface of my face. Simultaneously hiding from embarrassment while trying to feel better.

"We can't leave her here alone." Felix says to Hyunjin while my face is still buried in the wash cloth.

"I'll text Chan and tell him we're staying here longer." Hyunjin agrees.

"Don't." I lift my head to look at them. "I'm okay, guys. Really."

Felix still has visible concern on his face. "Are you sure?"

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