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I call Lily in a panic.

"Hello?" She answers.

"Lily. Are you at work?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Will you ride home with me later?" I ask, my voice shaky.

"Of course, is everything okay?"

"Not really. I just need you."

"I'm on my way."

* * *

"What does he want from you?" Lily asks me once we're at my apartment. I had told her everything about Dylan on the ride over.

"I don't know. But none of it can be good."

She nods, accepting my answer. "What did Changbin say about everything?"

I look at her sheepishly.

"You haven't told him?!"

"I haven't really had a chance to yet. I called you as soon as I got the message from Dylan. Plus, I probably won't be seeing him for a while."

"Why not? Is everything okay between you two?"

I sigh. "I'm not doing so well in school. I think it's because I've been spending all of my free time with Changbin. I haven't been able to focus."

"Well, you should tell him what's going on with you. I'm sure he'd want to help."

I think back to how Changbin once challenged me to go after what I want. "I don't want him to know that I screwed up..."

"So you're just going to avoid him?"

"I don't know!" I run my hands over my face. "Things have been so confusing since Bangkok."


I let out another exasperated sigh. "It feels like I've made our relationship my biggest priority. And it's not Changbin's fault, but sometimes it doesn't feel like a real relationship."

"What do you mean?"

"We just can't be normal, you know? We can't go on dates or even go in public together. According to the company, our relationship doesn't even exist."

Lily takes my hand in hers. "I know it's hard. I've felt like that with Seungmin before too. But you still love Changbin, right?"

"More than anything. That's the part that scares me. I know it doesn't make any sense."

"It doesn't have to make sense." She reassures me. "I'm sure everything will work out."

Lily tells me she has to get some things from the store, and I decide to go with her since I'm not ready to be alone yet. I hang back as she peruses the aisles, unable to escape my own thoughts. She notices, so she speaks up when we're in the beauty section.

"Hey...do you want me to paint your nails tonight? A little distraction and pampering to make you feel better?"

I look at the warm smile on my friend's face. She tries so hard to keep me happy.

"That sounds fun!" I fake a smile and immediately start looking for the perfect nail color.

"Oh! While we're in this area I need to grab some shampoo. I'll be right back!" Lily disappears into another aisle.

"Okay." I nod, focusing on the selection of nail polish in front of me. In my peripheral vision, I see a man enter the aisle and walk closer to me. There's a catch in my throat as uneasiness grows within me. He looks as if he's browsing, but I find it weird that he's in the makeup aisle. I gather enough courage to look up at him.

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