Changbin POV

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I fucked up.

I should have just left her alone. I should have kept it professional.

But from the moment I first saw her on set I couldn't get her off my mind. She is so gorgeous. And sweet. My God, how sweet she is!

There were several moments when I tried to distance myself from her. On set. At her apartment. At dinner. But each time I found myself right back next to her and it was hard to think about the future when I was next to her. It's like she has a built in magnet that pulls me to her and I just couldn't resist it.

I knew what this would do to her. What kind of monster kisses a girl, almost sleeps with a girl, and then just leaves her behind? Why couldn't I stop? It went much farther than it should have, but I'm thankful we didn't go any further. I don't want her to feel worse than she already does.

Still, it can't get any worse than this for me. I'm still craving her. Her soft lips. Her hazel eyes. Her body. She turns me on in a way that's so hard to ignore.

Why does she have this effect on me?

What do I do from here?

Did I lose her for good?

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