Casual Friday

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I finish out my first week at JYP in my office. The school that Lily enrolled me in takes place mostly online, which is great because it's offered in English. I've spent most of my time here at JYP even though I was told to focus on my classes this week. I thought it might show some extra initiative to be close by in case anyone needed anything.

I haven't started working with any of the idols yet. But I'm okay with that because honestly, I still get intimidated whenever I'm around them. Especially Changbin. I pass by him in the hallway almost every day, and each time we stop for a little bit longer and chat for a little bit longer. I remember what he said about wanting to be friends first, but it almost feels like none of the other stuff even happened. Still, he has never treated me like a stranger, so I'm thankful for that. I have no choice but to believe he's genuine with his words and try not to get my hopes up for anything.

Some of the guys have stopped by my office several times this week. Mostly Felix, Hyunjin, and Seungmin, who sometimes comes along with Lily. It looks like they're getting along well, though I don't think anything is official yet. I'm pretty sure Lily would tell me if that was the case.

I don't know their schedule unless I'm supposed to be working with them that week, so it makes me feel extra special when they come by. Felix hangs out the most. He's always so bright and chatty, which makes it easy to be around him. Sometimes he will lounge on my sofa after he's done with work. Even if I'm working on my studies, he sits quietly on his phone and waits for me to finish for the day. We don't leave together, because I usually walk home with Lily. He just stays and keeps me company, even in silence. It's going to be an easy friendship with him.

I've realized that the only one who I haven't talked to this week has been Minho, even though I've seen him a couple of times. He and Han walked by my office one afternoon, and when Han popped his head in to say hi, Minho hung back, seemingly waiting to get going again. Another time, I saw he and Jeongin in the café getting coffee. Jeongin had a chat with me, smiling with both his mouth and his eyes. He was so adorable. I looked at Minho and asked him how he was. He responded with a simple nod and began drinking his iced coffee, otherwise occupying his mouth.

I wonder if he's shy or if there's something else causing him to act this way towards me.

Tonight, I decide to stay late at my office to study, since I seem to be more productive here than at my apartment. It's nearing 6pm, and most of the idols have already gone home, as well as their support staff. I have AirPods in, so I don't hear when Felix walks into my office. He touches me gently on the shoulder, but it's so unexpected that I jump up and let out a tiny scream, startled. When I turn around, I see him standing there, eyes wide, feeling sorry for scaring me. The whole group plus Lily is standing behind him. Changbin and Han are laughing, holding onto each other for support and slapping their legs. The rest smile in amusement, except for Minho, who stands emotionless.

I take my AirPods out and immediately Felix blurts out an apology.

"I'm so sorry!"

"I'm not!" Han says, starting to laugh with Changbin again. I give Changbin a joking scowl for laughing at me, and he flashes his bright smile right back. Ugh. His smile.

"I'll forgive you this time, Felix." I joke with him. "But what's with the welcoming party?"

"We're hanging out tonight. At the dorm." Hyunjin says.

"And we wanted to invite you." Chan explains.

"Lily's coming!" Seungmin adds with a beaming smile. Lily smiles too, confirming his words.

"I don't know," I start, "I still have a lot of work to do here, and I still have some unpacking to do at home..."

"Come on, it's Friday! None of us have to work tomorrow!" Jeongin pleads. I pretend to think about it for a moment, even though I really want to go.

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