Truth or Drink

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Chan answers the door and holds it open for Lily and I.

"Good evening, ladies! Come in, dinner is almost ready!"

We walk into the dorm to find Jeongin, Han, Seungmin, and Felix sitting in the living room, huddled around the TV and loudly playing Mario Party on the Nintendo Switch. Changbin and Hyunjin are gathered around the kitchen island, supervising while Minho and Chan finish cooking a variety of Korean dishes that I haven't had the chance to learn the names of yet. Lily immediately trots over to Seungmin and plops on the couch next to him, giving his arm a hug. I find a place to stand at the island next to Changbin. He greets me with a side hug, and I still remember his touch when he hugged me my first day at JYP. There was a lot of uncertainty behind that hug, and this one seems so casual. I can't tell if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

Minho does a double take when he catches Changbin's arm around me, but then quickly looks back at the food he's preparing. Did anyone else notice that?

Changbin stays by my side, and though I can't tell if he is just being kind or if he truly wants to be next to me, I welcome his company since I feel a little out of my element. When the food is ready, he rests his hand on the small of my back and guides me to the table. The butterflies in my stomach appear every time he touches me, no matter how small the gesture.

It's a strange thing, sitting and eating with these people that I have only known collectively for a couple of weeks. Somehow they have made me feel so welcome and included. Yet I can't put my finger on why Minho isn't as warm as the rest of them. He keeps watching Changbin and I throughout dinner, though I can't read his emotionless face. Nobody else seems to notice, so I wonder if I'm reading too much into it.

After dinner, Changbin disappears and I decide to help Chan clean up instead of allowing myself to wonder where he went. I scoot in by the sink next to Chan and start drying the dishes that he's washed.

"You're having a good time, yeah?" He asks me.

"I am, and the food was delicious, thank you." The kitchen empties and it's just him and I standing here. I wonder if I should ask him what I want to ask him. "Chan, can I ask you a question?"

"Of course."

"Did I do something to rub Minho the wrong way?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, he just barely talks to me and I'm starting to think that he doesn't like me."

I see Chan's smile fall briefly before answering my question. "He's just slow to warm up to new people. He'll get there, don't worry so much."

Can I really believe that answer?

We finish cleaning up the kitchen and Chan joins the group in the living room that's back to playing video games. I start to look for the restroom. I find a long hallway and start my search there. I see the restroom at the end of the hallway, but before I get there, I hear talking from one of the other doors. The door is slightly ajar, but I can't see into it. The talking is quiet, but the tones are tense and harsh. I try to listen for a moment just to make sure everything is okay.

"I know you think you're helping, but I'm capable of taking care of myself." It's Changbin's voice. Who is he with?

"I'm just trying to protect you from what happened last time." Minho. Of course.

Changbin chuckles. "That's rich, coming from you."

At this moment, I decide that I shouldn't be listening to their conversation. But before I can continue down the hallway, the door opens and I'm met with Minho face to face. He narrows his eyes at me, the rest of his face remaining emotionless.

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