Letting Go

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I jump into action when I read that last text. I have to freshen up if Changbin is coming over! I look at my living room and see clothes, blankets, and my school books strewn about. And tidy up!

I quickly stack my books and place them on the coffee table. I fold the blankets, and throw my clothes into the nearest closet. Everywhere I look, there's something else that needs a cleaning.

After wiping down the kitchen counters, I check the time and realize I don't have much of it left. I don't know if Changbin is walking or driving, but either way it's a short distance between their dorm and my apartment.

I take the world's fastest shower- just enough to wash the work day off of me, and leave my hair dry. Thankfully it still looks decent from styling it this morning. I throw on some black leggings and an oversized t-shirt, and freshen up my makeup. I try to look cute enough without trying too hard.

I'm not sure who all to expect when I hear the knock on my door, but I'm pleased to see Changbin, Chan, Hyunjin, and Felix standing there. Hyunjin and Felix are carrying several bags filled to the brim with takeout.

"Wow, free furniture, free labor, and free food? What did I do to deserve this?" I ask jokingly.

The guys pile into my apartment, wasting no time as they set the food down on the counter and dig into the boxes. They must be hungry after a long day at work, and I wish I could've spent more time with them this week. Oh well, they're here now!

Changbin stays by the door to greet me properly. He wraps me into his strong arms and gives me a tight, genuine hug.

"I missed seeing you this week." He says, reading my mind.

"Me too." I look up at him and smile. He looks softly into my eyes as he tucks a stray piece of hair behind my ear. My heart flutters and I realize that we're finally in a safe space to be close to one another. No work, no Heather, no Minho. Just us and the others that support whatever it is that we have.

I start to grab some plates from the cabinets, but the three of them are already eating straight out of the takeout containers with the chopsticks that the restaurant supplied. Changbin and I follow their lead and grab some food of our own.

* * *

Later, Chan and Changbin carry the bed frame and the mattress upstairs to the loft. I stand completely entranced as Changbin hoists the boxes over his shoulder with ease. I can see the muscles in his back flex from underneath his t-shirt, which makes me imagine him throwing me over his shoulder and carrying me up the stairs.

As Chan and Changbin begin to put the bed together, it becomes apparent that Hyunjin and Felix only came over for the food and company. Several times they tried to help, but were yelled at and shooed away by their hyungs. Their faces were a mixture of disappointment and relief as they went back downstairs.

Changbin wouldn't let me help either, insisting that putting it together was part of his gift to me. I stayed in the loft for a while, laughing whenever the two of them would bicker at each other for using a wrong part or for smashing a finger.

I find Hyunjin and Felix out on my balcony, seated on a small swinging bench that came with the apartment. I slide into the empty spot that's between them.

"So, is Minho still mad?" I waste no time, asking the both of them.

"He'll get over it. He has to." Hyunjin answers me. That's not a no...

"True, if you and Changbin keep spending time together like you are, he has no choice but to get over it." Felix adds. "He cares about him too much to stay mad."

Confident || ChangbinМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя