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I walk into my old apartment feeling more confused than ever, but thankful to be home. It smells just like I remember, like the eucalyptus wax melts I used to buy at Target. I notice that my sister had rearranged the living room furniture and added new curtains.

I call out to Mila, but don't get an answer. She must be at work. I walk through the apartment to her bedroom just to be sure, but find it empty as expected. There's a new bookshelf in her room that looks like it was recently built, without any paint on it. The bathroom shower and sink have new hardware, and there's a new light fixture as well.

She's been busy.

I head to my room next, curious if she's thrown out all of my things to make room for something else. But she hasn't. She left everything just as I had it before I moved to Korea. My bed is still made, my clothes are still hung up in the closet, and I can even tell that she's been keeping it clean. There's no dust on my bookshelves, no cobwebs hanging from the ceiling, no dirt on the floor.

I tear up a little bit, wondering if my big sister has kept my room ready for me because she missed me. Or maybe she did it because she knew I'd be back. Either way, I can't wait to see her. I need her advice on everything. I need her support, need her wisdom, need her comfort.

Feeling jet lagged, I crawl into my bed. Even the sheets smell like they were recently washed. Between the exhaustion from my long trip and conflicting emotions, it doesn't take long for me to fall asleep.

I wake up after what only feels like a few minutes because I still feel so groggy. But after checking the time on my phone, I know that it's been several hours. There's still no messages or calls from Changbin and I hate the fact that's even on my mind. I don't even know if I would answer him. I guess I just want to know that he's still thinking of me.

I hear footsteps out in the living room and figure that Mila must be home. I guess it was the sound of the door opening that woke me up.

She's not expecting me, so I better announce myself before she sees me and has a heart attack.

"Mila!" I shout, feeling too lazy to get out of bed yet. "Hey, I'm home!"

She doesn't answer, but I hear her footsteps pause before heading towards my room. Good, because I really don't want to get up yet. I ready myself with a cute smile to present her with.

Instead, I find myself smiling at the one person who I swore would never see it again.

Dylan steps into the doorway to my bedroom, a triumphant grin on his face.

My entire body stiffens and grows cold. I'm scared to move, like prey that's trying to remain unseen by a predator. But he's already seen me. I just announced myself to him, for fuck's sake. This time I'm not imagining him in a crowd of people around me. He's actually here. This time he caught me.

I sit up at once, not wanting to be at a disadvantage to him.

This can't be happening.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him calmly, trying not to let on how nervous I am.

"What am I doing here? Your sister didn't tell you." He chuckles. "I live here now!"

"You're lying." My heart beats faster. "How did you get in?"

"I'm telling you the truth, Sweetheart. I have my own key and everything." He lifts his hand to jingle a set of keys in an attempt to prove his statement.

"Don't call me that." I move to sit on the very edge of the bed in order to ready myself to run, and I keep an eye on his every move. He circles the room, casually picking up my items that were left behind. I question him some more. "I thought you were in—"

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