22 | touch yourself and send me a picture

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《Anyway, Jungkook and I are together.》

Hwasa freezes and with wide eyes looks at me.

《Uh?! Are you a couple?! But you said you didn't think there was a future for you two?》

I sip my drink out of the straw, staring passively at Hwasa.

《Yeah ... but we're just going out, we're getting to know each other. We will go slowly and see where all this leads us.》 I explain everything to her by making some weird gesticulations she looks at me with a bewildered face.

She nods in agreement. 《Good, good choice, don't be in a hurry. Give yourself time, get to know each other, and let human instincts do it all.》

I put my hand on the table as if to interrupt what she was implying. Obviously in a quiet way.

《I think I'll have to wait before I get to that point.》 I say referring to sex.


《See, Jungkook cares about his first time, he wants it to be special.》

《Wow, that's how you used to be.》

《I know how it feels and I have a responsibility that it's a good time for him and me.》

My first time was ... traumatizing. It was nice at the time, but when I found out why Yoongi wanted me it was something else entirely. He used me as a pawn for his bet, I was nothing more than a move to make to win. Knowing all that ruined my first time.

《I don't want to ruin it as Yoongi did it to me.》

《That's a nice thing of you, Chaerin.》 She says with an affectionate smile.

《I've always been used to guys who first of all just wanted to fuck. With Jungkook it's different.》 He's a special guy but I have to admit I'm not used to it.

《How do you feel about it?》

《At first I felt uncomfortable because I felt a certain responsibility and because it was a new situation.》


《But now ... I feel honored. Hardly anyone is willing to wait for a person to have sex.》

I realize more and more that Jungkook cares about me. I mean, he waited for me to lose his virginity.

《That guy is a whole other thing. I knew he could do you good.》

《Yes, I think so too. But I'm afraid of being bad for him.》 I admit with a downcast look.

《You'll see, you will do yourself some good.》 She takes my hand reassuring me.

We finish drinking and leave the club. As often happens, after class we always go to the cafe near the university. Sometimes it happens that we finish at the same time even if we have different majors.

ㅡ Next day ㅡ

I just informed Momo and Mike of Jungkook. They seemed surprised but not too surprised.

Mike asked me a question I hadn't thought of yet.
My stripper job. Jungkook doesn't know yet and I'm afraid of his opinion ...

But I don't know how to tell him ... it's not a common job and if I don't tell him, it's like lying. He knows I work as a waitress in the strip club, but he doesn't even know which one.

After class, I was supposed to see Hwasa but she has to stay in the library to study, in a couple of days she has a very important exam.

I should study too but Jungkook asked me to meet for coffee. We met in the bar near the university.
With all the money I spend here I pay a salary to a person, I think to myself as I enter the shop.

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