N.O 26- Found

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The day had begun its journey into the night by the time Alex had mounted his horse and had gotten to the borders of the castle.

"ALEX!" a voice shouted out to him as he neared the boundary

"Marcus?" he called back

"You can't do this" a horse came to a halt next to him

He sighed "did Daniel put you up to this?" there was a small pause before either of them began to speak again

"Look man, I can't stay here when I know where she is. I can't stand here whilst I know she's hurt out there. I won't do it. I cannot" Alex exclaimed as he gently taps the horse to move out of the way of Marcus's

"Look, I know you're a pain man. But-"

"No Marcus you don't. I'm sorry but it's the truth. You and lucy definitely don't have what me and Sophia have." he takes in a breath trying to bury the emotions begging to be release

"She's my soulmate man" he looks into the distance. The weight on his shoulders feeling heavy.

"I know. And I'm sorry, I know that I can't even imagine what it feels like. I shouldn't have even tried to say that I could. That was wrong. But you cannot just go out there into the danger, you are just as valuable as she is. You're the only ones in thousands of years. Don't you think that's going to put a big enough target on your back as soon as you set foot of this grounds"

"Marcus..." his voice trails off

"It will break the king if anything happens to you. He's already lost his wife, his daughter, and now a threat on the only thing he has left of her. You know what you mean to him. Don't do it." he moved forward to get into the view of Alex

"Look I'll go instead.'' Marcus said, almost begging him, the men shouting orders behind them.

A small smile pulled at the corner of Alex's mouth. "I have no doubt that you could do it but your wife needs you and as much as I appreciate your willingness to sacrifice yourself for me -"

"Well sacrifice is a bit far don't you think" he chuckled slightly

"This is something I have to do myself" grabbing the reins of his horse he began to step over the border

"Tell the king that you tried your best and he should know I'm too stubborn to be stopped now. Oh, tell him I'm sorry as well" with that he allowed his horse to take him into the forest. The map in his bag and the ring that swung around his neck being his only hope to find Sophia. His Sophia


She could not believe that she sat here with the knife in her hand. It only took her a few minutes after having the knife that the work had turned into a chaos in the time, she had closed her eyes.

In a way it worked in her favour, whilst the guards were distracted, she positioned the knife in a way that she could easily cut the rope that tied her hands together. Once they fell loose, she reached down and cut the rope at her legs.

She was free. Finally, but there was still one problem

She sat in a cell with 4 guards. 5 counting the guy outside.

"You know I was asked when I was little whether the physical pain of falling over was worse or the emotional events that followed it." The room fell quiet at the sound of her voice.

"I always thought the emotional was worse. Although physical pain hurt it only hurts for a short amount of time where it would heal. Whereas embarrassment would hang around me for years to come." she looked at all the guards that looked as if they would rather her to shut up.

"But then I've always thought that at the end of it all. I did a pretty good job at surviving the events. I only hope that will be the same now" a smile sat on her lips at her achievement

"What is she on about?" someone muttered from the corner of the room

Her hands gripped the knife a little tighter at the sound of the guy near her. Her facial expression did not falter though.

The guards stepped forward; their eyes focused on hers. Without warning, she shot up from her seat, she spun around to face the guards. She smirked as chair legs flung towards the three in front of her. Holding the fourth leg, she once again spins and strikes the leader on the head.

Muttering a small thank you she reached into his pocket and grabbed the key card. Before she turned to the door, she gave the leader one more wack to ensure he was definitely out cold.

On impulse, she lobs the knife through the cell door and using her telekinesis the knife hunts down the guard like a homing missile. She paused waiting. Hearing a distant 'thump' she walked up to the cell door.

As if it was by second nature, she chucks the one of the chair legs behind her.

She heard a last exhale radiate from one of the guards as the knife pierces their heart. Sighing, she examined the door and noticing the wires that held the door shut she poked at the wires with her knife. Finally cutting through the wire, the door swung open with a weak push.

Knowing this was only the start of the escape, she carefully made her way through the cold hallway trying to find a way up to the outside. Her steps were almost a whisper as she crept around the corner

Seeing light above the staircase, she ran, her feet pounded up the metal stairs. All her thoughts about being quiet were dismissed. She was nearly free.

"HEY! GET HER!" One of the guards shouted out. It didn't take long before several heavy footsteps were heard chasing after her. She reached out to the metal door, the metal ice cold under her hot palms. Ripping the key card from her pockets she spared a look behind her. They were close to her. Her hands shook as she raised them to the lock.

A single beep was all Sophia needed; the door swung open. She was free.

Before running off, she slams the door shut and

The forest floor was ruff underneath her feet as she ran away from the heavy footsteps that seemed to be gaining on her. The wind blowing her hair out of her face, a silent sign that she was free, only if she could outrun the guards. The sun began to peak between the trees as she wove in and out.

"Hey stop!" the guards were fast approaching her as she began to slow due to the lack of food and water for the past several weeks. This was it. She was so close.

Her legs were about to give way as we approached a small stream in the forest. The sound of the many guards right on her tail. The sounds of the ragged breaths clear as the water. She fought so hard for what?

At least she could say that she at least tried to get back to the castle. Back to him. Although they had only been friends for a short amount of time, she could say that she had grown attached to him. She fell to her knees a silent cry for him to find her. Sensing a knife being thrown towards her she began to dive to the side, only for her to be lifted onto a moving horse.

A small smile pulled on her lips as she inhaled the scent of the person she was longing to see.

"I was beginning to think that you had forgotten me?" she signed as she leant into his shoulder her arms winding themselves around his body

"Never! "His body sagged in relief; she was ok. For now

"How did you know I was coming to get you?" he questioned back

"Let's just say I had a good feeling you wouldn't leave me behind" the sound of the guards disappeared through the forest as the sound of the horses' hooves brought them to safety.


Hey guys,

Sorry I have taken so long to update, something called life, exams and mental health got in the way from me writing and publishing this chapter. 

I hope you enjoy it anyway.

sorry again - Zoe 

The Lost Princesses- COMPLETED Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin