Dating Cleo Headcanons

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Contains: Fluff

Dating Zombie Cleo Would Include:

- Walks in the rain

- Dancing in the rain

- Kissing in the rain

- What can you say? Both of you love the rain
In fact you met in the rain

- Museums!

- Cleo loves to take you to museums, all different kinds

- Cleo also loves to make things with you
Most notably, clothing

- They're quite the seamstress

- The two of you have so many matching outfits
All inspired by different time periods and colours

- If the two of you are going out, it's matching custom outfit time

- Cleo has taught you to sew too.
And other handy crafts like crochet.
Which you're still trying to get the hang of

- There are so many unfinished projects in your house, but they get put to good use

- Usually for pranking Joe

- Cleo's skilled making armour stands, and you're okay at it
Between the two of you some great scenes can be made

- Your favourite prank was the one pulled the day the two of you confessed your feelings
The disappearing ghost in Joe's house
An armour stand, unfinished sewing project, and a little bit of redstone

- The way you and them had run off after seeing Joe's reaction
Cleo had taken your hand and pulled the two of you just bolted off, laughing incredibly hard
When you finally stopped you and Cleo had just looked at each other and that was it

- Once the kiss had happened you were a couple, no one needed to even ask
You'd both just referred to each other as partners since then

- Everyone accepted it as fact

- Not one person even questioned it

- Cleo loves doing things she'd find boring with you
Like restocking their shops and mining for resources

- They tell you that you brighten up even the mundane parts of her life
As she does yours

- These days you can't imagine your life without them

- And you told them that
In the rain
Down on one knee
When you asked Zombie Cleo to marry you

- And to absolutely no ones surprise
She said yes

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