Untitled Part 2

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Kurou was over Juro and Issy's house,.

Akira was coming over because they were eating dinner together.

Cade was at work and his kids were at their grandparent's house(Cade's parents).

When Aurora and Wolf learned their uncle was trans- they were sat down and told that some people were told they were one gender and realized they were another gender or not one at all

Trina and Case also learned this.

It wasn't difficult at all- the kids accepted this and went about their day.

Trina and Case were babies when Kurou moved in with Juro and Issy. 

Simple as that.

Yes the kids are by society standards too young to know this but it's not like they were getting the birds and bees talk. 

Dinner was going to go well until a knock on the door.

Kurou went to open the door but saw that his parents were at the door.

He was a senior at the time and not out to his parents yet.

"I'm not opening it the incubator and donor are out. "Said Kurou.

They weren't calling the police and their resisting order expired(they all plan on renewing theirs.)

There was a loud knock on the door.

Issy opened the door to tell them to leave.

"Please leave we don't want you here. "Said Issy.

"I don't have to listen to bleep like you. "Said Mr. Morita.

"We heard that Dead name got changed her birth certificate. "Said Mrs. Morita.

"Who's dead name. "Said Issy.

"You know who she is, my daughter. "Said Mr. Morita.

"I don't know any one named dead named I didn't know you have a daughter I thought you only had three sons I know a Kurou but not a dead name. "Said Issy.

Mr. Morita and his wife saw Kurou- his hair was cut, his outfit didn't look like anything he's even wore around them. 

"Hello. "Said Kurou who was not scared of his parents.

"Why do you look like that. "Said Mrs. Morita.

"I thought you always wanted three sons wait that's right you wanted only cis sons guess I'll never be good enough for you guys too bad I stopped caring like once I stopped caring my anxiety stopped being as bad . "Said Kurou.

They wanted Kurou to go live with them.

"Read my bleeping lips I will never live with you again not in this life time nor the next. "Said Kurou.

Kurou pushed them to the door.

"Now leave us all the bleep alone. "Said Kurou.

"You three are disowned. "Said Mr. Morita.

"Thank God the nightmare ends. "Said Akira.

"Thank whatever. "Said Juro.

"Thank whatever I don't care. "Said Kurou.

Their parents left and never came back.

They went to finish dinner.

Kurou felt so good right now.

Normally he doesn't curse but Juro said it was fine but only in his house but not around the kids.

The kids were in the other room at the time.

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