Untitled Part 29

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Kurou has been on t since high school.

He's a lot happier as a man and he's a lot happier now.

His parents tired to force him to be their perfect daughter but he's not.

He use to lie away at night praying he would wake up as a guy because at the time he was still presenting as a girl publicly and physically.

When he got his hair cut for the first time.

His hair was long almost down to his back but then he got his hair more like those characters with shaggy let short hair- kind of like a anime character.

He hated how he use to look because his parents forced him to be the person they wanted even those they never wanted a afab kid.

When they got the son they wanted they acted like they never wanted him in the first place.

He parents still blame him brothers claiming it was their fault as to why he was the way he is.

But he pointed out that Juro spend most of his time in their backyard practicing sports or studying in his room when they were younger.

When Akira got kicked out he wasn't around him as much but he still felt like a guy.

His parents were upset that all of their plans for him didn't happen.

He never getting pregnant hell he plans on making sure he can't get pregnant.

He's not a house spouse- he works with designing video games something he loves so much.

He has kids but he's not raising them like his parents raised him.

When he found out his parents got a divorce he was so happy but a tiny part of him thought his mother would be like the woman in the photos he saw of her when she was younger or from the stories his grandmother and grandfather would tell him and his brothers about Rona when she was younger but she didn't and that made him sad but also upset.

He and his brothers never got to see their mother as a happy, supportive, loving and wonderful person because when their father took that from them before they were born.

So he tries to be a better parent for his kids sake.

Also if he ever ended up like his parents well Moss would slap him and leave him.


Kurou was waiting at a name changing place with Juro and Issy.

Those two are his legal guardians as his parents gave up their parental rights over him.

Kurou name was now change.

He's also on t.

It took a while but he's so happy now.

Kurou also took a photo with his brothers one where he's a lot happier.

End of flashback.

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