Untitled Part 3

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Kurou was glad his parents were out of his life.

Not only did they have so many rules, some that made no logical sense, they also use to hit him and Akira for the dumbest reasons.

He remember being little at Juro's basketball and he was so bored.

They couldn't bring books nor could they eat anything while they were there.

Their parents were eating but they couldn't and he was looked bored.

So his mom got him and brought him outside and slapped him while calling in a dumb child.

She used the word girl which didn't bother him until he was in middle school when the talk of what he wanted to be when he grew up was mentioned at school.

He didn't know yet what he wanted to be.


"You're not having a career you're going to be a stay at home mother. "Said Mr. Morita.

"I don't want that. "Said Kurou.

"Your only opinions are stay at home mother or being a nun. "Said Mrs. Morita

"What about being a nurse. "Said Kurou.

"You heard us now go to your room or you will be smacked. "Said Mr. Morita.

Kurou went to his room.

He didn't want motherhood if it's going to be pushed onto  him then he realized something as he got a tiny bit older he kind of wants to be a parents but not a mother but a father.

The rabbit hole of gender and sexuality later and "I'm a guy not a girl, deadname is not who I am that person isn't who I am, I'm a guy and I know I will be forced to be a girl to the day I die but it's good to at least know what I am also maybe I'm not straight. "Said Kurou.

Then he moved in with Juro and Issy but still didn't feel comfortable to tell them until his second year of college.

When he finally told that it felt like a weight was lifted.

Getting a hair cut was amazing, it was his second hair cut.

Growing up he had long hair that almost touched his back that he wasn't allow to cut.

A lot of his clothes were long skirts, unflattering jeans, the ugliest girly shirts you have ever seen, and just clothes that were girly but not fun like they were ugly but his parents didn't want his to get a boyfriend until college when they can pick one for him, they kept going on and on about it.

"Deadname you will date who we pick and you will marry him and be his wife, then have three sons. "Said Mrs. Morita

"What if I have a daughter. "Said Kurou.

"Well you could do what we should of done put her up for adoption and keep trying until you have a son. " Said Mr. Morita.

Kurou hated all of this and wanted to run away.

When he found out Akira got kicked out he kind of wish Akira took him with him.

He was fine with being homeless because he wouldn't be around his abusive parents. 

Now he's happy with his life.

End of flashback.

(this was to explain why I didn't add it to the other two books.)

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