Just a heads up

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Kurou- his favorite color is shockingly red(he still not that into pink) it use to be orange when he had a beachy room but once he got a little older he changed his room to be more alternative and emo to fit his true self before he transitioned. he was very deep in the closet that he thought he liked girls because he went to a all girl high school for Freshman year but then he remember all of the boys he found attractive and then he met Moss who is the manliest man he has ever met also he remembers during the summer he moved in with Juro and Issy and how they went to a store in a more gay friendly area and he saw a nonbinary person(the pins gave it away)and he thought they were attractive now with his gender- he thought he couldn't be transgender because he hated how his parents didn't love him as much because he was Afab but then he remembers all the times during his childhood where his parents mainly his mother would tell him he had to be a perfect girl and how gross transgender people were- he hated having to be a "perfect girl" but also for some reason got very sad and upset when his parents said stuff about trans people then he realized he's a trans person also most people who claim to be straight cis girls don't look at late two thousands, twenty tens and emo looking guys wearing band shirts/flannels saying I want to look like that.

His four main outfits growing up when he was a kid were tee and jeans, long ugly plain dress, pink long sleeved shirt with a long skirt, or short sleeved shirt with a long skirt.

All of his outfits had to have some sort of pink in them because his parents never wanted anyone to assume he was a boy because their idea of gender was very pink for girls and blue for boys.

Kurou deals with gender a lot more than Akira does or even Juro.

All of them are boys but Kurou is transgender, Akira is both intersex and cis while Juro is the only non intersex cis brother of the three.

Kurou never got to express himself in a gender kind of way so now he makes sure his parents mainly his mother know he's a boy and they have to deal with it because he's tired of them telling people that their "daughter" is gone- they never had a daughter.

If they were more understanding or if Kurou knew that being transgender was a opinion for him he would of transition publicly and socially.

 When he got his first binder he cried- his brother got it for him since well guardians sometimes get that for the person they are in responsible for , it's not weird. 

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