Untitled Part 18

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Two years later.

Kurou and Moss has been married for about three years now and they want to adopt a kid.

Their house is big enough for ten people to live in.

Their house is big because the old owners were retiring and moving to Florida.

They were the the ones the owners liked.

Also there's six people now living in this house since Caleb moved in so another income.

After a process of interviewing and checking the house.

They were able to adopt a kid.

They adopted a son and named him Scout Katashi Shen.

He's a newborn, he's Japanese.

They wanted to adopted a kid who was Asian because lets just say they have heard the comments that Akira has gotten because his kids are mixed and because they would get less comments if the kid is Asian like them then if the kid is black - Akira has told them the amount of are you should that's your kid comments he got despite giving birth to both his kids.


Scout is a quiet baby who didn't cry a lot but he did cry a lot when he saw one of his dads stressed out like he could they were stressed out.

His parents know how to take care of a baby.

Moss has babysat some of his siblings' kids.

Kurou has babysat his siblings' kids especially when he lived with Juro and Issy(back then everyone thought he was a girl.)

They didn't adopt a daughter despite them both being transmen who knew about periods and crap because Kurou always pretended before he was out and also his parents raised him to be a girly girl who only goal in life was to be a wife and a mother or a nun.

Now he's a game designer, a husband and a dad.

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