Untitled Part 14...

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Kurou was serious about not wanting to be pregnant but he knew he wouldn't be able to get that removed without a million questions.

He doesn't want to get pregnant ever.

Moss on the other hand is fine with getting pregnant but he also is scared it will hurt.

During graduation.

Someone must of told his parents he was graduating and he literally told the people in charge of the ticket list to not allow his parents to come and even showed them a photo of his parents.

His parents didn't want him to be game designer they wanted him to a pregnancy cis woman married to a guy who has the same values as his dad and mom well the same values his mother had once she married her husband.

They didn't show up and he was happy.

Moss's parents showed up and they felt like crying because their son was graduating.

They remember when he was little and would play in the woods near their house looking for frogs and snake skin that snake shed like and take photos of it with his little camera while one of his decent siblings watched him well until some Karen complained about two Asian kids in the woods looking for frogs, same Karen neighbor complain when Moss walked into the bus with bright green hair shaggy with purple streaks because they were afraid their kid would see it and be influenced to do that, same person complained during Halloween one year when he dressed up as plague doctor because they were afraid he would influence their kid- the kid of the Karen was dressed as a sunflower because this Karen didn't have a issue with Halloween just all the demon and dark things that showed up during that year.

Moss chose his name because he likes frogs, reptiles and the color green.

His deadname was pretty but even his parents felt like it didn't match him.

His sweet grandmother picked it out and was so proud of the name but when Moss started going by Moss she knitted him a green sweater with frogs on it that said Moss on it and wrapped it in green wrapping paper and there was a card with it that said " to my wonderful grandson Moss.".

Moss's full name is Moss Shang Shen.

Shang because of a Disney character.

His dead middle name was also a Chinese name.

At his graduation he knew two of his siblings wouldn't be there.

He has a about five siblings(I said a another number just change it in your head.)-the second oldest son is a Christian bible hugging nut who hates lgbtqia people and his second oldest sister is a born again Christian who runs a mommy blog and every post has some sort of thing like "buy your daughter pink dresses." "get your son toy guns." to "If your kid say they are transgender just ignore it they want attention or it's a phase I wish my parents would when my sister told them."

Moss has those two block on all social media because of a bunch of comments and because of a  photo of him with his two cousins.

His cousin is MTF and a lesbian and his other cousin is gay male who's fem.

His brother commented something mean and his sister  said "Why is my sister and my two male cousins wears such outfits."

The outfits were- Moss had on a green stripped shirt and some black tripped pants that had green in them and his cousin had on a very pink preppy outfit on as his cousin's twin was dressed a very punk girly all black outfit.

They were a punk prep watermelon for a thing at school.

Moss blocked his sister and brother.

They complained to their parents and the respond they got was "maybe if you two weren't so mean to him and people like him maybe he wouldn't of blocked you."

Mrs. Shen doesn't play when it comes to her kids even if one of her kids is the one bullying the kid.

Mr. Shen ended up blocking his son once his son said rude about the kids' paternal grandmother after the sweater thing.

Moss was lucky to have four supportive grandmothers.

He was lucky to have supportive parents and three supportive siblings.

Also to have friends who are supportive and a husband who loves him.


Kurou never thought he would get this far- he always thought he was end up forced to married some guy who he had to hide his gender identity from or his sexuality from.

His sexuality not because of hate but because of fetishization- because he knew any guy his parents picked for him to be marry would fetishization him once they found out he was bisexual because he would of been forced to be a girl and some straight guys fetishize bisexual women because they don't think a woman liking another woman is a real thing, they think women do this for male attention.

Kurou always thought he was pretending when he realized he was transgender because he went by she/her, he wore dresses, he didn't deal with a lot of crap that transgender people did when they realized they were trans, but then when he saw one of Akira's male friends in a dress that made him realize that it's okay for a guy to wear a dress and that he's not broken or faking it  society is broken and society conditioned him to believe he was faking it.

Society mainly people like his parents raised their kids to push down their feelings and hide anything that might "ruin" the image their parents hold so dearly.

His parents so called "perfect" image was why he thought he was a straight girl.

His parents raised him as a girl, they hated him because he was assigned female at birth.

He hated himself because he thought he was a girl because his parents raised him to think this but it also made him think his feeling, his feelings that he's not a girl weren't' valid because his parents raised him to think that transgender people do stuff for attention.

When he moved in with Juro and Issy he unlearned a lot of crap his parents tried to force him to believe, because they thought that since they "failed" with trying to brainwash Juro and Akira to be hateful like them they could try with their human punching bag they called their child.

Kurou meeting Moss made him realize so much stuff, that transgender people are beautiful, that Moss is valid, that he loves Moss and that he's transgender himself.

 Moss was the first friend he made when he attended public high school.

He enjoyed being around Moss.

He could sit for hours on end listening to Moss talk about cameras, music, frogs, reptiles and other stuff because Moss is interesting also doesn't help that Moss is very handsome.

Kurou didn't believe he would end up with someone who makes him happy because his parents basically told him that his happiness didn't matter to them only him continuing the so called "perfect" image his parents tried to make people believe the family was .

If Moss was a transwoman, or a cis girl, nonbinary, intersex, a cis boy etc he would still love him.

Moss and Kurou were with their friends taking photos.

They met the guy their friend Ruby was dating.

This guy screamed bisexual goth himbo boyfriend which meant he fit right in with their friend group.

A friend group of lgbtqia people, allies, punks, goths, emos, scenesters, nontoxic nerds, grunge people, fems, skaters and artsy people

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