Untitled Part 21

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They planted a garden in the backyard in the front yard the next day.

To save money on certain produce.

While they were planning.

Kurou was inside because he doesn't know how to garden and never learned how to.

Growing up his yard didn't have flowers because his father hates flowers.

He once go a plant from a teacher and his father throw it out the window and in the streets then told him about getting gifts from teachers or classmates.

He always ended up making a gift for secret Santa and never got to keep the gifts he got.

Most gifts he got for Christmas, Easter, his birthday or from his maternal grandparents that was toy related went the attic or basement- he would play with them for as few minutes then they went there never to be touched again. his parents once got him a broom for Christmas and told him to go sweep the kitchen.

The first gift he got that he got to keep that wasn't clothes related was a stuff dog his brother got him for Christmas when he moved with him and Issy- why the gift because he had a stuff dog as kid that one day he couldn't find it and found out his father burned it with the rest of the stuff animals he and his brothers had. He cried until his father saw him crying and Kurou stopped crying.

His father told him that only baby cry and that he's a big insert agab now and shouldn't have stuff animal anymore, he was seven.

Once he turned nine all of his toys went to the basement and he wasn't allow to play with them so did all of his books and art stuff.

So he didn't have anything to do but watch tv, sleep and do chores.

He once drew a photo of a dog once when he was four and his father ripped up the paper saying "Drawing is for losers and no insert word that is the opposite of son will be a loser."

He stopped drawing until he moved in with his brother and Issy.

Anytime he did anything creative he got yelled at- his father believed boys and girls shouldn't be drawing they should do chores.

Akira only got to do school plays and music because his parents saw how it could benefit them and they pretty much given up on Akira anyway.

Their father made it his mission to let his kids know that they weren't allowed to have any joy in life.

Once he said he liked pickles and his father threat to not allow him to eat them.

When he heard from a aunt a while ago that his parents went to the beach that made him so angry, he ended up telling his brothers.


"So they can go to the beach now but when we wanted to go we got screamed at. "Said Akira.

"I thought dad hated the beach guess he doesn't hate it now I wonder why. "Said Juro.

"Remember when grandma and grandpa were going to take us to the beach, we were so happy and the day we brought our stuff, mom called to "check on us" which really meant to make sure we didn't drink soda, eat chips or have fun, they ended up picking us up early and returned everything we got for the beach and use the money to buy themselves drinks and ice cream, so while they eat ice cream in the house me and Akira were doing chores while you were studying. "Said Kurou.

"All I ever did during my free time was practice sports and study and they wonder why I moved out as fast as I did and as quick as I did too and why I quit sports. "Said Juro

"I remember it was dangerous hot out so hot the news said to stay outside and dad made me mow the yard I could of died and he didn't care. "Said Akira

"Mom made me clean the kitchen once the night before I had a big test and I had to make it up meanwhile she and did would brag about having a clean house and how much work they put in it and it's like we did all of the chores, we kept the house clean, we kept the yard front and back clean while those two sat on their lazy butts and did nothing, all I ever wanted other than to punch dad is to know why he hated us so much I know why mom did we ruined her life but why did he hate us. "Said Kurou.

"I have two kids who they will never meet." Said Akira.

"Same with my kids. "Said Juro.

"They aren't allowed near Scout and if they ever tried anything me, Moss or one of our roommates/friends would end up in jail for beating them up. "Said Kurou.

End of Flashback.

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