Untitled Part 11

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"I have Cheddar and Sour cream chips you want some ."Said Moss.

"Not now I'm working on a project for school also I have pickle flavored chips and Pepsi but thanks you. "Said  Kurou .

Moss leans over to kissed him.

Moss is for a photographer for wedding.

"I have a wedding to take photos for you want to come with me. "Said Moss.

"Sure. "Said Kurou.


"I have fifty dollars from some of the money I saved. "Said Kurou.

"I have seventy dollars and I have the ring I kind of was planning on proposing to you with after graduation . "Said Moss.

They put their money together, they got dressed in their suits,  Moss got the ring. they got into Moss' car and drove to the chapel.

They stopped to get a cake from the Supermarket.

The cake was a  cherry cheesecake- a favorite of both of them.

Cheesecake was the first flavor of cake that Kurou had when he had cake for the first time.

They went to a twenty four hour Walmart and buy another ring one for Moss to wear.

They parked the car in from of the chapel.

They buy a marriage license- these licenses there are cheap but legal.

They stood there as they got married.

Saying vows was easy, saying them without crying was hard.

They were very happy.

Kurou has only ever been with two guys in his life.

The first guy he was with was the son of a friend of his father's who Kurou was only allowed to date because the guy's father was one of his dad's best friends, they only ever went on like three dates in during the summer before freshman year before that guy broke up with him after realizing he didn't want to be with him because he could tell something was off about Kurou, that feeling later was Kurou himself realizing he was a boy, a feeling he always felt.

Kurou's parents allowed that relationship because they set them up because in their words "he's a good practice boyfriend for when we find you a husband and you become a someone wife."

Hearing the words someone's wife made Kurou sick and unhappy but now he's someone's husband and he couldn't be more happier then he already was.

Also after that relationship failed his parents basically banned him from dating until college.

He's so happy and he can't wait to refer to Moss as his husband in public or be like "my husband is awesome." or "My husband is just so handsome." or "My husband is so wonderful and funny."

When Kurou told his brothers they both when into paternal mode but were happy for their brother

When they came to visit Kurou.

They saw Moss and told him "Welcome to the family."

Moss felt really happy about this and felt very welcome.

End of flashback

They went to that wedding and Kurou helped carry stuff and took some photos himself using one of Moss's cameras.

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