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So you can get to know the two main characters more.

credit to the owners of the photos and edits used for this.

Kurou-yes he's one of those guys who once he came out , he based his whole clothing style on emo angst looking boys from anime and cartoons that aired on Cartoon Network and Nick during the mid two thousands and early twenty tens who wears mainly red and black.

The Koi fish is because he's Japanese American so I didn't add a flag because that's boring.

The photo on the lower right corner- once he left his parents' house he got really into video games during high school and now he designs games for a living.

He's trans and bisexual but growing up he felt like he wasn't allow to bisexual and he thought being anything but a cis straight girl wasn't a option for him.

He's only been with maybe two people in his whole life- he had a secret boyfriend during eighth grade- a guy who's parents were friends with his mother and well that's why he ended up in him being a all girl's school because his parents plans for his future were that whatever boy he ends up with is one they approve of and one they helped pick out- meanwhile Moss isn't someone his parents would ever approve of because Moss is bisexual and trans but he loves Moss and thinks his husband is the best and the most manliest man he has ever met in his life and he's glad he met him.

He's only been with maybe two people in his whole life- he had a secret boyfriend during eighth grade- a guy who's parents were friends with his mother and well that's why he ended up in him being a all girl's school because his parents plans for ...

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He likes frogs , he was a outdoor kid who played in the woods near his house a lot, he was always playing in the dirt looking for frogs and snails.

He would play with action figures and dolls as well but he loved playing in the dirty looking for frogs and talking photos of them.

His favorite movie is Mulan-that movie is why his middle name is Shang and he basically made that movie his personality when he was seven and tried to talk his parents into getting him into karate despite karate being Japanese-he was a small kid don't judge, his parents had to explain to him that karate isn't apart of the Chinese culture and they told him other parts of his culture.

He loves reptiles and frogs.

He loves anime and he's the type of guy who had a cactus as a kid in his room.

He loves Eevee and similar Pokémon because when he was little he wanted one as a pet became it looked adorable and he wanted a pet- but his family got a dog instead and that dog because his best friend as a kid- the dog name was Eevee and he would play with that dog a lot even those his second older brother disliked the dog because of how messy the dog was.

He loves taking photos.

The heart is because he's a passionate person who enjoying showing love.

He's Chinese American.

He's bisexual and trans- he's been out as trans since middle school and he was that kid who got mistaken for a boy during his childhood before he came out and he never had a issue with it.

When he came out to his grandmother and told her his new name despite her being the one who picked out his dead name ,she made him a green sweater that said Moss and had a frog on it.

Moss has been with one girl in his whole life and two guys before- the second being Kurou.

But Kurou is his best friend and he loves being with him.

But Kurou is his best friend and he loves being with him

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