Untitled Part 16

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Kurou and Moss told their roommates about what happened.

"I'm not shocked, last family wedding I went to the groom got caught cheating on my cousin with the best man's sister. "Said Harper.

"Harper I love you but some of your family is if white trash was Desi. "Said Joss.

"Well you plan on marrying into that family. "Said Harper.

"True granted I have a aunt and uncle who own ferrets their house smells like Korean/Taiwanese spices and Ferrets . "Said Joss.

"Worst thing to happen at a wedding I went to was when my boyfriend's aunt got upset because her son wasn't going to raise his future kids Catholic, she almost throw a chicken leg at the bride, just imagine a five ft six Korean woman throwing a chicken leg at someone, I already told Caleb if we get married we're not inviting her, granted I have a uncle who dances at weddings like he's drunk despite not drinking just imagine a six ft Vietnam American man dances to Staying Alive like he downed fourteen shots of tequila. "Said Ruby.

"The sad thing is my dad's side is crazy well he and my uncle Mervin are crazy not my other aunts and uncles,  I wasn't harm and my cousin said she would sent me and my brothers each a  copy of the video she recorded, just imagine a tall half Japanese half Thai girl in a orange dress holding a camera you get the idea she's the daughter of my aunt who's the retired art teacher no one questioned why she was filming it anytime we had family things with that side she would be filming it. "Said Kurou.

"Wow." Said Moss.

"It's like this- my dad says something offensive, my mom laughs, my aunts rolls their eyes, my uncle Gary rolls his eyes, while uncle Mervin says 'good one', then us kids are in another room, me and my brothers are trying to find sudden ways to eat chips and drink soda without our father knowing because if he knew we would get smack as we got older she started filming the ratchet stuff that happens because barely anything good happens when my parents are around. "Said Kurou.

"Your father is evil and not cartoon villain evil but that headmaster from Matilda evil." Said Ruby.

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