Untitled Part 24

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Kurou was working on a game idea for work.

He had his headphones on and was typing up some ideas as he told his coworkers his ideas.

The house was quiet too quiet.

A quiet house isn't that weird- his childhood home was quiet when his father wasn't yelling and his mother wasn't screaming.

But this house is difference and he has two year old.

He told them to hold on a minute.

He saw that his son was quietly playing with his toys.

This was good.

At his childhood home if he or his brothers were quiet for too long his parents would happy because it meant they were doing chores it was when they made a lot noise that caused their parents to be angry.

He once coughed for like hours as a kid and his father almost slapped him.

He heard his father got arrested for threaten to hurt someone and his father got a psych check up and other then being narcissist his father was also bipolar and had angry issues.

That caused Kurou and his brothers to get check- they were fine.

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