Untitled Part 10

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Kurou was talking to Moss.

"What if we got married. "Said Moss.

"Your parents would be happy, they love me. Said Kurou.

"They do and I have met your parents- how you survived that mess is crazy and I have a lot of respect for you. "Said Moss.

"We should elope and later have a wedding . "Said Kurou.

"We should "Said Moss.

Then Moss had a idea.

"Where is the closest chapel. "Said Moss.

"About two hours away why. "Said Kurou.

"We should get married now. "Said Moss.

"Why. "Saud Kurou.

"Because I want to marry you and also for safety reasons also you look handsome in a suit ."Said Moss.

"All true okay we should . "Said Kurou

They got dressed and drove to the chapel.

They were able to get a marriage license this chapel also had those things as well.

"You may now kiss your groom. "

They kissed and now are married.

Juro called Kurou asking him how his life was going.

"I just got married. "Said Kurou.

"What ??????? "Said Juro.

Kurou explained everything.

"I don't regret this I wanted to married him for a long time and now I married and I'm very happy yes marriage isn't for everyone but I want this and Moss wants this. "Said Kurou.

Moss told his parents and he felt the same.

Neither guy regretted this choice this what they wanted and they would of eloped anyway, they talked about one day eloping already. 

Kurou told Akira who went into parental mode like Juro did.

"We have talked about eloping before and Moss made the suggestion so we did it and we are truly happy. "Said Kurou.

Kurou and Moss were very happy and this is what they wanted.

Also they told everyone that they plan on having a  big or simple wedding later.

Moss and Kurou were happy, they couldn't stop smiling and they were very happy.

Their friends were shocked they would just elope but are happy for them.

Those two already acted like a married couple and now they are one.

Kurou was happy that something happy happen.

So much happy stuff has happen in his life since leaving his parents' house and since he met Moss and since he made so many friends.

Yes it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows but he's a lot happy now.

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