Untitled Part 6

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Kurou has been saving for this- he used some of the money he was saving for a car and some he saved for his own place to pay for the surgery.

He also got a job working as a bartender he learned how to be a bartender and now he has a job.

The day of surgery.

He was home after surgery.

Moss was taking care of him because he loves him and also he knows what it's like to have that surgery.

The day of the family wedding thing.

"I brought a suit and wearing one for the first time is amazing. "Said Kurou.

He and Moss walked into someone didn't know who he was.

"I'm Kurou I'm Rhoda's son. "Said Kurou.

"I thought she and her husband had two sons. "Said the people doing head count.

Anna his aunt saw him.

"Kurou you made it. "Said Anna

 She knew about his transition.

She was the one who talked her niece into not inviting Rhoda or Kody.

"Wait you're name is on the list sorry. "Said the person doing the head count.

Kurou when to go sit next to his brothers and brother in laws.

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