Untitled Part 25

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The couple adopted another kid.

A girl named Gracie Rose Shen.

She's Chinese American.

As for their two roommates they don't have a kid.

As for their former roommates- they have two dogs and a fish.

Ruby already told them all she will have one kid and that's it her blood line ends with that one kid.

A lot of people who know about Kurou childhood or youth wonder why he would want to be a parent

"I want to be a parent I never wanted to be a mother. "Said Kurou.

Kurou once dealt with a relative from his dad's side- a cousin who is half brother of one of his cousin says "Anytime I was around you you didn't act like a boy."

His responds to this" I was around you two times in my life and I didn't 'act like a boy' around you or anyone else because my dad would of slapped me and my mom would accused me of doing this for attention like anytime I was ever sad also around them or even not around them I wasn't allow to be a person with thought or ideas of my own so save the transphobic crap for your buddies and leave me alone."

Kurou has been on T for about four years now and he's so happy.

The first time he saw his top scars he almost cried.

The first time Moss called him his husband he almost cried.

One time however he had to be around his mother because of a family thing.

The restraining order wasn't renewed yet.

This isn't sexist or misogynic- Kurou biggest bully was more so his mother than his father because his mother tried to force traditional feminine on him from birth.

His father was just abusive but his mother tried to force him to be someone he's not so that people wouldn't think she was a bad mother.

His mother Rhoda walked up towards him and well a lot of people thought she would of gotten back to her pre Kody live but sadly no she was to far gone.

"You were such a pretty girl ."Said Rhoda.

"I was never a girl and when everyone assumed I was one even when I started questioning my feelings you treated me like me being assigned a girl at birth was the worst thing to happened to you but once I public transition you started acting like you lose a daughter even those you never wanted one but you sure forced me to believe I was one and when I would lay awake at night wondering if I will ever be truly happen or will I be forced to live my life as a girl until I die, you and dad never gave me a choice in life instead you gave me two opinions and guess what I have never given birth and I never will, I'm not afraid of you. "Said Kurou.

"You just want attention . "Said Rhoda.

"Can you just think about how I feel, my feelings are valid, but you assume I want attention like always because you and dad think gaslighting, bullying, controlling and beating your kids is good parenting, I quit therapy thinking I'll be fine but anytime I'm around you or him all I can think about is the fact that I was sixteen when I finally got to eat chips for the first time, how I was in my early twenties going on my first trip and  that didn't end in me getting yelled at, I have been to parties without the I have chores to do excuse you made us take everyone because you two like control. "Said Kurou.

Rhoda didn't like this at all and started screaming.

About how she's his mother and he should show her respect.

"You don't deserve my respect and you're not worthy of it or of the title of mother you don't deserve it. "Said Kurou.

Moss was there(the kids were with his parents.)

Moss finally said something.

"You're a horrible person, from the stories I have heard and from being around you myself all I can say is that you're heartless and no real mother would treat their kids like crap or allow their husband to control their kids. "Said Moss.

Rhoda was about to scream.

"I'm done talking. "Said Moss.

"Goodbye Rhoda. "Said Kurou.

Rhoda end up moving away.

She had the family house.

The brothers cleaned out their stuff.

Kurou took a lot of his old clothes he was forced to wear as a child and he burned them.

He didn't even give them to his daughter because he didn't want her to have to wear the clothes he was forced to wear.

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