Untitled Part 30

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Time jump.

"Are you going to dad's funeral. "Said Kurou.

"Hell no are you ."Said Akira .

"Nope what about you Juro. "Said Kurou

"No way in hell why. "Said Juro.

"Because the uncle who talked him wants us to go. "Said Kurou.

Their dad recently died, he was in his seventies. 

His kids are in their forties and fifties now.

A lot has happened in life.

Their mother was put into a nursing home after she wouldn't leave her house.

It was a big mess.

Even after their parents divorce she was still a bitter woman clinging on the ideal images she had of her kids.

But she sadly will never good back to being that girl who got hosed by a cop for protesting for lgbtqia rights - their girl is long gone.

The three Morata kids are doing okay for themselves.

Their lives are a lot better without their parents. 

The end.

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