Untitled Part 17

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Not a chapter just a need to know.

About Kurou, Moss and their roommates incase you wanted to know.

Kurou is Japanese American.

All of his roommates are Asian.

Harper- Indian and Desi/Hindu(Desi on her dad's side and Hindu on her mom's side.)American

Joss- Taiwanese American.

Rudy- Vietnamese American.

Moss- Chinese American.

Age older- Joss, Harper, Moss, Kurou and Ruby.


Joss- cooking. 

Harper- interior design 

Moss- photography 

Kurou- video game design.

Ruby- art and design .

Basically they are a bunch of creative people.

They all label stuff like jars of food dips, bags of chips, Ice cream, yogurt and etc.

Basically if a bag of chips in the house is Pickle flavored it belongs to Kurou and if a food dip jar is French Onion flavored it belongs to Kurou.

If a thing of ice cream in the house is Mint chocolate it's Moss's .

Kurou was so use to sharing food despite not being alone to eat snacks growing up  even those his parents weren't poor or struggling just mean and selfish that one having food that his and two that food being chips is a new concept to him.

(selfish as in, his parents could eat snacks, drink soda, have juice, eat ice cream, eat strawberries and have chips when ever they wanted but Kurou and his brother only snack they were allowed to eat was a box of Raisin brand cereal despite not liking Raisins or Raisin brand cereal.)

Once one of his friends without knowing buy Raisin Brand cereal and he saw it and almost starting crying, panicking and feeling sick because it brought back memories of his mom buying that cereal for him and his brothers despite- one them not liking it, two wanting to trying Fruit Pebbles and three mom buying honey nut cheerios for herself and cinnamon toast crunch for his dad.

When she was having her food scanned one of the cashiers once said "Cinnamon Toast crunch is my favorite cereal I hope your kids like it."

Her respond-" The Cinnamon Toast Crunch is for my husband, Raisin Brand was for them."

The thing is his parents were good at lying to people but sometimes it if was someone they might not see again ever they sometimes didn't lie at all.

To this day Kurou can't even look at a Raisin without wanting to crying because he hated the taste of that cereal.

It wasn't just the cereal it was his father need to control what his kids ate.

The first time Kurou tried chips he loved them but the first time he tried Pickle flavored chips they became his favorite-he likes pickles because he was allowed to eat them growing up.

But the first time he had cranberry juice he hated it said with bun cakes, grape juice and pudding.

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