Untitled Part 22

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A year later.

Scout has his first birthday.

"I don't think I ever had birthday party as a kid. "Said Kurou.

"I want to not believe that no parent is that mean. "Said Caleb.

Everyone said it was true.

"It's true and it's not because Kurou the youngest, our dad hated parties and not being the center of attention. "Said Akira.

"You at least had cake. "Said Caleb.

"First time I had cake was when I moved in with my oldest brother and his husband, it was also when I had soda for the first time once for my Christmas I got a broom and was told to clean everything up. "Said Kurou.

"Your parents are evil. "Said Caleb.

"No they are beyond evil. "Said Kurou.

"Like so evil the devil is scared of them. "Said Juro.

"I didn't tell you Kurou childhood sucked. "Said Ruby.

"You said it was bad but not that bad. "Said Caleb.

"I have met his parents and well there's a reason why he's so determine to make sure Scout has a decent childhood. "Said Moss

"Moss is right , that why I'm trying to make sure Scout one has a decent childhood and two never meets my parents it's fine he has my maternal grandparents, he has my aunt, he has Moss' parents and grandparents. "Said Kurou.

Speaking of Moss' parents and grandparents.

His paternal grandparents showed up as well as his maternal ones.

His paternal parents love bingo, watching sitcoms and listening to love songs.

When Moss told them he was trans, his paternal grandfather gave him this hat that use to belong to his great grandfather- the reason why his dad or none of his uncle got this hat was because they are hat people.

Moss isn't a big hat guy but he kept the hat and wears it when it's hot out.

His paternal grandmother one got him a shirt that said "this shirt belongs to a amazing Grandson." and two she got a little necklace with a frog on it.

She likes getting charms that remind her of her grandkids and she got the necklace with a frog.

Scout has one set of grandparents who love him, three sets of great grandparents who love him.

he has aunts and uncles who love him.

And two dads who love him so much that he didn't need Kurou's parents.


When it was time for Scout to eat his cake.

Moss and Kurou took many photos.

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