Edge x Christian

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This is like a younger edge and christian one shot (Adam & Jay) like sometime in the 2000's idk it just doesn't take place now lmao so imagine their younger self's.


Ever since Rated RKO was created Randy & Adam have gotten very close and frankly it has made Jay quite jealous and lonely

To be completely honest Jay wants Adam all to himself but of course that cant happen because Adam is as straight as a stick
(so he thinks)
Please show me

Ever since Rated RKO was created Randy & Adam have gotten very close and frankly it has made Jay quite jealous and lonely. He didn't want to confront Adam about it or anything but they're just friends so it shouldn't be that big of a deal. But to him it is, Like whenever he tried to talk to his best friend before a match Randy shows up and distracts Adam and leaves jay standing awkwardly, alone and ignored. He knows its not Randy nor Adam's fault but he cant help but be upset.

To be completely honest Jay wants Adam all to himself but of course that cant happen because Adam is as straight as a stick (so he thinks ). He knows that sounds pretty weird and self centered but he doesn't mean it that way, Jay has recently come to terms with his sexuality and feelings for Adam, He doesn't know why he feels like this and feels pretty ashamed that he does so he's trying to now hide his feelings for as long as he can and to distance himself away from Adam to try and make them go away.

"I'm so stupid! How did i let this happen! Why do you make me feel this way Adam. Why. Its not like you'll ever care anyways you're always off with your little randy" Jay rants to himself while sobbing.

Hes currently in his change room getting ready to have a match with- you guess who- yup Randy, and who's accompanying him to ring- yup Adam. OF COURSE. All he wants is edge and christian to be back together. No more rated rko, he just wants his best friend back.

While hes finished getting dressed he wipes his tears and puts on a happy face and walks out to the gorilla.

"Hey Jaybird you ready for your match with Randy" Adam greets Jay

"Yeah i am, Honestly cant wait for it to be over though i just wanna get back to bed" Jay answers

"Hey Adam Come here" Randy asks while Adam walks back over

he felt his heart drop to his stomach and just like that jay was forgotten about. Once again.

He heard his music hit and walked out and did his usual entrance. After his was finished rated rko's song started playing and Randy and Edge started walking out. Without realizing it Christian was glaring pretty harshly at Randy.

During the match Christian was doing pretty good until he felt Randy throw an extra hard punch, he doesn't know if it was by accident or not but he felt that it was on purpose. All he knew was that it was going to leave a black eye in the morning.

While he was distracted feeling his face Randy did a rko on him and ended the match. Jay just felt like he wanted to cry.

Adam was watching the match between Jay and Randy until he saw Randy throw a really hard punch that actually made Jay blind sighted and actually take a step back while covering his face. It actually made Adam quite worried and told himself to check up on Jay later. Recently hes felt that Jay hasn't been as talkative as he usually is and its made Adam a bit upset because he doesn't know whats wrong. He tries to talk to Jay but Randy always shows up and forces Adam to listen to him.

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