Brandi Rhodes x Cody Rhodes

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The two just arrived at their hotel after a rough ending to smackdown. Cody breaks down a bit, Brandi comforts him.


(takes place before RAW, but I loved the Raw crowd tonight, there were so many we want Cody signs!!!!! They need to fix wrestlemania, the timing with the rock is just so wrong)



"Why Brandi, why is everything I do never enough for anybody" Cody cried

The two just arrived at their hotel after a rough ending to smackdown. Screw that selfish bitch. He had practically 4 years to have this match with Roman, but no he waited till now, After Cody had worked his ass of for this second shot wrestlemania. He knows it was obviously played out to make the fans believe he made this decision, but newsflash its quite obvious that he did not.

Cody doesn't mind if he has to fight Seth at mania. It just doesn't make sense. Rollins accepts any challenger, it makes it look like Cody won the rumble for literally no reason, they really screwed Cody and Seth over.

"Baby, I'm so sorry, trust me I know how hard you worked, everyone does" Brandi tried reassuring him, before giving him a hug.

Cody hugged her back, and hid his face in her neck "Its just not fair Brandi, why'd they choose now for this? Why screw me over like that. I look like a fuckin idiot, like seriously i looked so stupid out there" Rhodes whispered, he sniffled and buried his head deeper, like he was suddenly embarrassed.

" Cody... i...What? No.."

The woman stood there speechless... Cody really thought he looked like an idiot? Of course he didn't, if anything the creative team are the ones who look like idiots.

Before Brandi could even comprehend anything, Cody let go of her and rubbed his face before announcing that he was going to take a shower.

Brandi nodded and went to lay on the hotel bed. It was so hard to see him like this, it almost makes her want to cry aswell. But she wanted to stay strong for him.

She opened X (twitter. Whatever) and seen the hastag ' #wewantcody ' trending, what? She clicked on it and instantly smiled. Guess they weren't the only two upset about this decision.

She kept scrolling and liked countless posts until she heard the shower tap turn off.

Soon enough Cody came out dressed in a new set of clothes with his hair dripping wet. Brandi smirked, he was so hot.

"Codes come here" she asked as she watched dig through his bag.

"What?" He answered after he grabbed his phone out his bag, and made his way towards his wife.

"Look" she signaled to her phone which had X open with all of the angry fans tweets.

She saw her husband smile as he scrolled through them all, he loved his fans so much, and to know that they preferred him for wrestlemania instead of Dwayne was mindblowing.

"See darling, they want you." Brandi whispered and she rubbed her husband's back. Cody put the phone down and leaned down to give his wife a kiss.

"I love you so much Brandi, more than you'll ever know, I hope you know that"

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