Daniel Garcia x Eddie Kingston

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He did exactly what he said he was gonna do. Did you doubt him? Well sucks to fucking suck. He beat Claudio, He's done with him. Eddie Kingston. Mad King. Is the ROH World and NJPW Strong Openweight Champion, and he did it infront of his people.

But even on one of the best days of his life he can never seem to catch a break from the boy.
Pretty boy

He's literally the fucking king of New York, He did exactly what he said he was gonna do. Did you doubt him? Well sucks to fucking suck. He beat Claudio, He's done with him. Eddie Kingston. Mad King. Is the ROH World and NJPW Strong Openweight Champion, and he did it infront of his people.

But even on one of the best days of his life he can never seem to catch a break from the boy, he doesnt really mind it actually, the boys pretty, he really is but Eddie would rather fucking die than admit that to literally ANYONE.

Eddie finally got back to the hotel, The traffic held him back for like 30 minutes, So reaching the hotel was relief.

He unlocked the door once he fetched his key card from his back pocket, Now you may ask, Why the hell is he staying at a hotel when he is quite literally from New York. Well who would want to make a nearly 40 minute drive to Yonkers when he could crash a hotel and leave in the morning, and plus with the traffic and shit. He would have fell asleep and yknow.. that wouldn't end well.

Taking off his shoes and throwing his suitcase to god knows where. He stripped down and took a very much needed hot ass shower.

After about 30 minutes of staring into space he turned off the water and got out of the shower, being careful to not to fall and stares at himself in the foggy bathroom mirror. He looks quite rough doesnt he? Why does the kid have such a fasincation with him?

He changes into his clothes after he dries off and leaves the bathroom to check his phone.

Of course theres a text message from the one and only Daniel Garcia. He forgot how he got his contact info but honestly he doesnt care whatsoever.

Danny- Hey

He was quite awkward at some points, He never really expresses himself to Eddie, its odd.

Eddie- Rooms 114, come up.

It doesnt take very long for Danny to show up. Before he knows it, theres a knock at his door. He goes to open it and see's the younger man looking quite nervous.

"Hey pretty boy" He greets him calmly while inviting him in

Danny looks up at him in surprise and smiles slightly

"Hey Eddie" He whispers not looking the man in the eye

"Hey kid, Why're so glum?" he asks while unpacking his suitcase slightly.

"I-Im not" The boy stuttered slightly while staying close to the door trying to appear smaller

The older man looks him up and down and raises a brow.

"Fine, im just- Im proud of you okay, Wait why aren't you telling me to get lost?" He asks utterly confused

Why isn't he? That's the question of the night apparently. He gotten quite fond of the younger man. He doesn't get much affection anymore so its different to have someone who's quite fond of him.

"Listen. I dont fucking know alright. I've gotten quite used to you being here, Its become a routine, not a big fan of change" he simply shrugs

This information seemed to brightened up Danny immediatly.

"Really..?" He asks trying not to smile finally looking eddie fully in the eyes

"Yeah Yeah, come're pretty boy" He replies offering a hug to the beaming boy.

Daniel rushes into his arms finally getting the warmth and comfort he was seeking all this time.

"Im so happy for you, i watched every damn second, never looked away once" Danny says into Eddies chest, not breaking the hug.

He feels the older man smile into his hair.

"Imma need you to stick around for awhile pretty boy" They both know what he means, neither ready to say it yet in the fear of making one another feel uncomfortable.

Danny just hugs him tighter in response.

The boy has an affect on him, He's not mad about it. Tonight really has been a good night.

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