Hook x Jungle boy

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Warnings: Smut (blowjob and shi) idk its not very good but i should prob warn yall :0

Hook was confused as hell. His bestfrie- no, former tag partner just left him. Just like that their history is all gone. Their friendship is ruined. What. the. actual. fuck. And to top it all off he lost his title. The only thing that proved he was something even though the stupid belt was worthless. Hook went to confront the man and lets just say their friends again ;) hehe

Why can you just tell me the truth?

Hook was confused as hell. His bestfrie- no, former tag partner just left him. Just like that their history is all gone. Their friendship is ruined. What. the. actual. fuck. He told Jack things, things he had never told anyone. He trusted Perry with a lot of things . He knew he shouldn't have opened up. This shit always happens to him, he can never catch a break.

and to top it all off he lost his title. The only thing that proved he was something even though the stupid belt was worthless. He always  carried around his dad's history, his legacy and now all of a sudden the title is Jacks. Jack never ever took an interest in the belt so why the hell would he want it?

Hook wasn't scheduled for rampage or dynamite. So like anyone would obviously do he was going to stay home and sulk. Until he thought of Jack flaunting HIS title around acting like the baddest bitch in the place. That wasn't going to slide with Hook so of course he showed up anyways.

Walking into the building sucked. All the sympathy stares, he ignored all the looks and went to find Jungle b- Jack Perrys locker room. All he wants is answers. He is not letting Jack run from this. He deserves a god damn explanation.

Mid way to his journey to the locker room he saw a vending machine selling all kinds of chips so he took short stop and stuffed the two bags of chips into his hoodie pocket for later there and continued his journey.

He found his targets lockeroom and busted the door open.

Jack turned around from unpacking things looking surprised.

"What the fu-" Jack started

"Shut up Jack you dont get to talk like that. The only words you can say to me are the words explaining what the fuck is going on" He slightly yelled

Jack froze slightly when he realized Hook was blocking the exit so he couldnt leave.

"i dont owe you shit. I never wanted to be your friend. Now fucking move before i punch you."

"Oh im so scared Jack. Why cant you just tell me the truth. Ive told you things. Now your gonna blackmail me and act like we weren't friends? Was it a lie the whole time?. you were my only friend- my bestfriend." His voice nearly cracking and faultering at the end of his sentance

"I trusted you Jack! You know i have troubles doing that. Why the hell do even want that belt you could've just asked me" He continued, his voice getting stronger

"Listen could you just move so i can leave" Jack pleaded

Hook glared at him and kept staring him in the eye until Jack gave up and all the fight left his body

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