Darby Allin x Jungle Boy

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Darby was having one of the best dreams of his life, until he was awoken by some loud ass knocking at 3:00 am on his hotel room door.
He silently cursed who ever was at the door and wished for them to go away. But they did not so he drowsily walked to the door getting ready to lecture the hell out who ever woke him up until he seen who was outside his door.

Jack Perry- who was drunk?..

Drunken feelings

Darby was having one of the best dreams of his life, all sprawled out on his comfy bed, shirtless and cuddled in between his pillows, his mind at peace after being stressed all week- that was until he was awoken by some loud ass knocking at 3:00 am on his hotel room door.

He silently cursed who ever was at the door and wished for them to go away. But of course they did not. So Darby got up, put some pants on and drowsily walked to the door getting ready to lecture the hell out who ever woke him up until he seen who was outside his door.

Jack Perry.

his half lidded eyes opened in surprise.

He was crying..? what. It gave him a weird feeling, like his heart dropping, Jack was swaying unsteadily, his usually vibrant eyes clouded with tears, and his perfect curly hair a mess.

"H-hey darby, you're so cute did you know that?" He giggled through his tears, His giggles didn't last long because his face dropped and a new set of tears ran down his face

He smelled strongly of alcohol.

Oh he was drunk. Well damn now he has to let him in, or... nah he'd be a dick to leave him out in the hall drunk. Anyways he wants to hear more about what drunk Jacky has to say.

"Jack its three in the morning, what the hell are you doing here?" He asked crankly

The boy must have been a very sensitive drunk because he teared up even more at that.

"I-Im sorry, i don't-hiccup- know wha myy room nuumberr is" Jack explained while slurring his words. He seemed very small in this present moment, very vulnerable and worried.

"How'd you know mine?"

"I dont know, i didn't know where else to go, im sorry"

"Well damn. Fine come in" He welcomed Jack in

Jacks cheeks were a bright red and still had tears running down them. This really concerned Darby, He doesn't know Jack to well but their paths had crossed quite a bit in AEW, and he knows jungle boy enough to know that he rarely drinks especially like this.

He led Jack to the couch and grabbed him some water and pills to help calm himself down.

Jack gladly took the water and downed it along with the pills.

"So..." Darby started

"I hate you, I hate you so much" Jack rambled on while sobbing again


"What'd i do?" He asked confused

"Why do you always have to get into peoples heads? Why, I could've won that belt. I could've took it away from Max. But no i couldnt. I couldnt hit you with that belt. I just couldn't bring myself to do it! Its all your fault!" Jack almost yelled frusterated

"Well tell me Jack, why? Why couldn't you hit me with the belt?" Darby stated boldly while standing infront of jack staring him in the eyes.

Jacks gaze went down and he stated picking at the sheets beneath him while sniffling

"I-i dont know, i didn't want to cheat and i-i didn't want to seriously hurt you, yknow? I would have felt awful, i couldn't do that to you. For some reason you mean a lot to me" He whispered softly while still looking at the ground with his hair covering his face.

The skeleton boy's heart fluttered at this confession and his gaze softened

He crouched down a bit to be a jacks level and moved the crying boys hair out of his face and lightly raised his chin and looked him in the eye.

"You mean a lot to me to Jack, i dont know why i really dont. But i can't get you out of head" he whispered with a small chuckle

Jacks eyes slightly widened

"Really?.." He asked sobering up more


Both men smiled and slowly leaned in until their lips met in a small, gentle, kiss they both needed.

With these new found feelings both boys slept in Darbys bed all cuddled up and warm. Both happier then before. Jack may forget many details in the morning but Darby would be happy to re visit them in the morning.

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