Lita x Jeff Hardy

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Matt just broke up with her. She didn't do anything wrong?.. What.

Once Lita left the lockeroom, she slid down the door and started sobbing.
What felt like eternity, which in reality was only a couple seconds she felt Jeff's presence and felt him start hugging her. When they go back to the hotel they wake up in quite a rough situation


Every touch feels right

Matt just broke up with her. She didn't do anything wrong?.. What.

Once Lita left the lockeroom, she slid down the door and started sobbing. What did she do to deserve this. She just fuckin told Matt she loved him for godsake.

What felt like eternity which in reality was only a couple seconds she felt Jeff's presence and felt him start hugging her asking her what was wrong.

"i-i went in there to talk to Matt, I wanted to tell him i was sorry, and i told i loved him and he said that we're breaking up" She explained in a teary voice

When she looked up she saw in staring at her with the most concerned gaze. It made her feel loved for once. She doubted Matt ever cared about her. Jeff was always caring and protective. Matt always got jealous.

He kept whispering comforting things in her ear to help her calm down.

"you shouldn't of went in there, You're sticking with me alright, it'll be alright don't worry" He reassured her

They lost their handicapped match.

Her and Matt were offically done and apparently so were the Hardyz.

Jeff and Lita felt empty. All they had was each other now.

When they got backstage Lita was trying very hard not to burst into tears right then and there. Jeff saw this and brought them into a private area and gave her the biggest hug and let her sob her heart out.

"Its okay Li let it all out its alright, Matts just a dick" He told her

"i know i just feel bad, Its all my fault." she cried

"No the hell is it not Lita" He started

He broke the hug and said

"Hey come back to my hotel room we can invite Edge and Christian over as a distraction. How does that sound?" he finishes

She nodded slighty and smiled at him

"Thank you" She whispered gratefully

"No need to thank me" He whispered back

Both of them were heading to the hotel and all Lita could think about was everything that just happened. It would take her awhile to get over the breakup. Her heart hurts for Jeff. She knows he's hurting but he he's hiding it. He's quite good at that. But she's so thankful she still has Jeff.

They arrived at the hotel and booked another room since they weren't going to risk going back to their shared room with Matt. They dont even know why they were sharing a room. They were already having problems. All of them. Everything was so tense and awkward and they could feel the anger and annoyance radiating off of Matt.

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