Hangman Adam Page x Matt Jackson

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BTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE (this isn't really a relationship oneshot but it's mostly Hangman and Matt)


They had lost the mutli million contract deal. They will never financially recover.

Matt been stressing out over this constantly, the guilt eats at him.

But little does he know that the boys  aren't even mad at him anymore, they're all just joking around

Matt obviously does not know that. Hangman comes to comfort him.

Never financially recovering guilt

"Look you guys Im sorry alright" He apolagized for the millionth time

"No amount of pathetic sorrys will make up for how much money we lost Matt" Nick said stubbornly

The price changes everyday with them, they never stick with a number. It's not Matt's fault he really thought he knew what he was doing, Its not his fault Chili's and Wendy's decided to ghost him.

Then once again all three of them- Kenny, Nick and Adam flipped him off. They do that atleast 3 times a day.

Matt's acts like he doesn't care, but he does and the guilt eats away at him, he feels terrible. They were supposed to retire from wrestling and get a whole buttload of money, and a contract deal with Chili's or Wendys and now. Well, They will never financially recover from this.

Matt has pulled so many all nighters just because of how stressed out he was. He wanted to fix this. Infront of The Elite he acted like he sorry (which he really was) and that it was all over and there was nothing they could do but wrestle forever and that he fine on the inside.

But during those all nighters he wrote countless emails and made hundreds of phonecalls. Nobody answered.

Little did he know, the boys werent actually upset with him, maybe at first but they eventually got over it, All they were doing was just joking around and they thought Matt saw it as a joke too.

He did not.


Hangman was coming up to Matts hotel room that he shares with Nick while Nick was out to get food.

Nick was clueless about his brothers all nighters, Matt usally started his emails and calls once he was asleep.

Adam knocked on the door and opened it

"Hey matt how are ya-" He started before cutting himself off mid way to take in Matts rough state

"Woah man you look like shit, you alright?"

Since Matt hadn't slept practically at all these past few days he had bags under his eyes, His eyes were bloodshot, his hair was everywhere

"Gee thanks, Im fine" he replied sarcastically, sitting in the middle of his bed with his phone in his hand, staring at his friend and long time crush standing in the doorway

Adam leaned against the doorway and asked

"What have you been doing that's got you looking like that?" He was  genuinally concerned

"nothing." He stated and ignored Adam

"Cmon Matty, tell me" he practically whined

"Dude this isn't good for you, you look tired man you need sleep" He came over to the bed and sat on the end of it.

Matt was very overwhelmed, He didn't want them to still be mad at him, even though it wasn't completely his fault.

"Im sorry hanger" he said in a teary voice and curled up into a ball.

"About what hun?" he said in a soothing voice.

"I pitted two effin companies against each other and lost us millions of dollars Hanger, It's all my damn fault"  He confessed frustratedly.


"What" He said miserably

"Yknow, it's okay, right? It's not your fault. It's really not your fault man, plus the boys and I really aren't mad at you. It was all sarcasm, I mean sure we were absolutely pissed off at first. But Matthew we we're just joking around" Adam explained softly

"What?.." He said, lifting his head up looking confused and tired

"We thought you knew we were joking"

"Well obviously not Adam." He said annoyed at this whole situation

"I'm sorry Matt" he apolagized and went to give the sleep deprived man a hug.

They sat there hugging for what felt like forever but they both knew Matt needed it.

"So you're really not mad?" He asked softly

"No" the other man whispered while lightly breaking the hug

"You need sleep, don't fight it." Adam says to Matt sternly

He lays the oldest buck down on the bed and pulls the blankets overtop of him and goes turns the light off

He was about to leave the room when

"Please stay" He hears him whisper

Adam would never say no to him so of course he walks back over with a smile and cuddles up next to him in the hotel bed.

They both had gotten the best sleep they had ever had that night.

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