MJF x Darby Allin

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Max was in the ring throwing his re-bar mitzvah, all was going great till the other 3 , Darby Allin, Jungle boy Jack Perry, and Sammy Guevara had to show up. Way to ruin everything

When Darby was talking Max has to physically stop himself from staring in adoration.

But no Max is not gay that's just gross.

Why Do You Hate Me So Much?

Max was in the ring throwing his re-bar mitzvah, all was going great till the other 3 , Darby Allin, Jungle boy Jack Perry, and Sammy Guevara had to show up. Way to ruin everything. They Ruined Maxwell's mood immediately. While they were all telling their life stories and pissing Max off even more. He took a closer look at them, At JB, Sammy, and then at Darby. He caught himself staring a little bit to long and stopped himself. He's always been a little bit more of a jerk to Darby then he is to anyone else. He really doesn't know why but he makes fun of his outfits and everything he likes to do, which is actually what he is extremely attracted to. But no Max is not gay that's just gross.

When Darby was talking Max has to physically stop himself from staring in adoration. The way he talked and took deep breaths, Oh if only he was breathing that hard for another reaso- sorry. When they all said They "i want a title match" at the same time, Max had to admit, it was kinda hot. When the fight broke out and MJF ended up falling into his own cake that's when his mood went even more sour.

He walked backstage fueming. He went straight to his lockeroom and changed into something else. As he walked back out he saw few people trying to hold their laughs in, but he couldn't care less because he was AEW world champion, They were not. He saw Darby wondering backstage looking quite gloom and he couldnt help but wonder why- he probably knows why but still. He hated himself for slightly caring but he really couldn't help it. It makes him mad. He can't be gay and even if he was, Why would he be gay for that short emo risktaking, hot, beautiful- No. He's felt this way for awhile but hasn't ever done anything about it. Instead he has just taken his anger out on dangerous Darbs.

Darby couldn't help but wonder why Max hated him so much. Like he knew that Max practically hated everybody, and now of course he would hate Darby more because of that segment. But why has he always hated him. Darby didn't do anything to him, like yeah since max thinks he better than everyone he could have just ignored darby but no. He goes out of his way to degrade Darby and make him feel bad about himself.

Darby was in his own world before he bumped into something- someone rather muscular. It was Max. Of course it was.

"Watch where your going dumbass" Max retorted

"im sorry" Darby muttered upset.

Something about that tone made him want to hug Darby but obviously there was no was he was going to do that. So he was about to continue walking when-

"Max why do hate you me so much. Why do you always feel the need to verbally hurt me all the time. Why can't you just ignore me like you do to everyone else. I already have enough on my plate alright. I hate myself just as much as you hate me so please stop" Darby came clean

"W-what?" Max replied taken back

"You heard me Maxwell. If you want to degrade me we can do it another way because honestly theres 2 ways we could do it. But please stop. I know you hate me even more because of what happened out there." Darby told Max

This caused Max to blush but he played off as a cough.

"Sam i dont hate you" Max told him

Darby was taken off guard on the use of his birth name.

"Yeah you do. You make it pretty clear" Darby said coldly

"WELL I DONT OKAY. I FUCKIN LIKE YOU ALRIGHT. I DONT HATE YOU I HATE THE WAY YOU MAKE ME FEEL AND IM SORRY OKAY. Im supposed to be a ladies man alright. I shouldn't be liking a man who doesn't like me back" Max Yelled, shocked himself He took a couple deep breaths to calm down.

The yelling startled Darby and shocked him.

"What" darby asked very confused

"Are you serious?" He asked again

"Yeah.. But even if you liked me back. There's no way you could be with someone like me." Max said sadly

"Max i've always liked you. Thats why it hurt so much when would say those things to me. But i understand now why you did it. Maxwell i find you so hot, and i kinda like the way you're a jerk. I mean sometimes you're just a straight up Bitch, Which we gotta work on, but sometimes the way you act is just so damn hot" Darby confessed blushing

"So is that offer still up? Can i degrade you another way? Then show you how beautiful you because i think you need some reminding" Max asked while smirking

"Of course it is, But remember im beating you for that title" Darby told him cheekily

"Honestly i wouldnt doubt it. But please stop hating yourself, you are important to so much people darbs and you are so handsome and honestly the way you are makes me weak in the knees" Max told him softly

"Thanks Max" Darby whispered blushing

"Can i kiss you" Max asked cutely

Darby nodded and they both closed the gap between them. Thing got a little heated so they went back to the hotel and took up the offers they both left.

I doubt they would ever act like this lmao but i think this is very cute & in my fantasy world this is how they act towards each other :)

I know this is a very random ship lmao but I think they'd be cute together. I was there at the aew winnipeg debut show ;) dude it was incredible, we got to watch dynamite, rampage & dark, ive been to a couple wwe events in the past aswell and they were amazing but BRO I LOVED GOING TO AEW AND I MISS IT SO MUCH LIKE I HAD A BLAST.

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