Robin Buckley- Fluff (a)

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"Two scoops of chocolate chip!" You called out with a well versed fake enthusiasm as you handed over a tub of the frozen delicious treat which you had come to hate and despise ever since working at Scoops. "Could you be much blander?" You muttered through clenched teeth as you passed the treat over to the overly smiley child. "Enjoy now!" Your eyes ran down the very large, excessive queue that led from your counter all the way through the shop and into the walkway in the mall. "Robin! I could really use another crewmate out here." Your eyes seemed to catch on every disgruntled, annoyed patron that waited rather impatiently with huffs of breath, crossed arms and tapping feet.

"I'm sorry, I was... busy." She strolled out tying her hair into a neat ponytail and lighting the store up with her infectious smile.

"Busy... busy doing what?" You asked while taking the order of the next patron.

"I don't know, ice-cream stuff I guess." Her hand reached across the counter and accepted a very crumpled, fragile apart pile of dollar bills. "Thank you very much, enjoy your ice-cream!" She gave the family a hearty wave. "Y/n... I know we are like super busy, but I need to go for a few minutes, it's really, important!" With no more warning she marched off, pulling her apron over her head and placing her novelty hat on a nearby table." You had no chance to protest Robin's departure, you could only stay and serve customer after customer until eventually somewhere in the region of half an hour had passed and there was nothing in the shop but a few more stragglers sat at their table enjoying their ice-cream.

"You look like a decent sized kid, take this and make sure nobody goes back their until one of us gets back." You tossed a few dollars onto a table where a lone kid glumly tucked into his treat and made off in search of your supposed colleague. You searched shop to shop, everywhere you could think, even sticking your head into the female toilets and shyly whispering for her, but to no avail. You frantically made your way back to the store, pleading with every god you could think of that the place hadn't been raided, when you saw Robin gleefully at the counter as if nothing had happened, only this time her lower half was now adorned with patches of white fluff.

"Where did you go?! I was looking everywhere for you!"

"I saw a dog walking past, and it looked at me as it went by and I had to go and find it so that I could love it and give it cuddles." She smiled nervously and held her hands behind her back. "It didn't get busy or anything did it?"


Written by Aaron.

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