Nancy Wheeler- Weekend (c)

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Dating whilst in high school had some convenience. For a large percentage of your week, you were in forced proximity of classes, giving you reason to be with each other for so long before you could spend extra time together outside of school hours. With your finals coming up, that time within the school building were valuable as nearly ever other minute was spent doing extra studying.

You shared most of your classes with your girlfriend Nancy which meant you could share whispers of sweet nothings or exchange glances whilst taking in the content of classes, whilst using the time in between to truly catch up and steal a moment to yourselves. You had so many plans for your futures together but for now you knew that you both needed to do well in your exams for there to even be a future for the two of you to share. It would have been amazing to spend the hours after school on dates or using your weekends to explore further afield than your small town, but those were the things that were helping keep you sane through the never-ending studying.

Friday afternoons had become the hardest. You would have two days of being away from Nancy and although you'd share a phone call at least once in that time, you knew that wasn't going to be satisfactory and you would still long to be beside her.

The two of you headed out amongst the crowd of fellow students, heading over to your cars that were parked beside one another, your fingers interlaced as you headed there.

"Only five more weeks and then we can have our weekends back," you sighed.

She gave you a weak smile. Nancy struggled as much as you did with the separations that exams had forced on you, but she was far more optimistic about what would come.

"That's not too bad," she smiled. "Once finals are done and out of the way, we have all summer before we head off to college and even then, we'll be in a new city together and won't have important exams for a while."

You shrugged your shoulders, not caring as much about the positives that the future could hold, if you were upset currently.

"That doesn't make this weekend any easier," you huffed. "I need to cover the rest of our physics modules this weekend and all I'll be able to think about is that we could have gone out for a movie instead."

Nancy wrapped her arms around you in a warm embrace, one that you would desperately miss until you saw her again on Monday.

"I believe in you," she smiled, turning to unlock her car. "And if you need any help, you know you can call me, I got a 97 on the practice exam."

"Don't worry, I'll call you."

You unlocked your own car, turning back one last time to look at your girlfriend as she slipped into the driver's seat.

"I love you, speak to you tonight," she said.

"Love you too."


Written by Charlotte.

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