24: Past hurt

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Steven, Emma, and Jonathan sat around the breakfast table close to a glass window enjoying their breakfast. 

"The maids are great here." Emma compliments as she eats her eggs. 

"Why won't they be? They're serving a kid. Boss baby." Jonathan laughed and so did Emma. 

"Let's talk about your actions yesterday, Jonathan." Steven started. 

"Forget it, I was just kidding but he took it seriously. I just wanted to tease him." Jonathan said. 

"You should have let go when he asked you to, you better than anyone else knows the kind of relationship we have, when we lived with him we didn't make it easy for him and later we abandoned him to Father. It is heartbreaking that we didn't fix our differences." Steven said. 

"Come on, we were just teasing," Emma said. 

Jonathan huffed, "I still believe he was adopted or something." 

"He was not adopted, though mum came back with him after she made a trip to South Korea for a year. I'm sure he is her son and not adopted. I ran a test in my lab and it came out positive." Steven said. 

"I know. He is just different." Jonathan said. 

Clare was walking by when she was stopped by Emma, "why hasn't Oliver joined us yet?" She asked with a smirk. 

"He had left for his routine." She informed them. 

Emma nodded, "why is he acting like he is a father of 5 kids?" She asked her cousins. 

"I'm very worried for Oliver, he lives here alone and works himself off," Steven said. 

Jonathan rolled his eyes, "he is like our father. I'm glad I decided to be a game developer. I would have hated this life." He said. 

"You just got lucky, mum saved us and did not save him," once again Steven added. 

Jonathan just rolled his eyes. 



Oliver strolled through a shallow hall with a book under his arm calculating an unsolved math equation in his mind. He spotted Jonathan who was just a teenager then, gulping a bottle of champagne and nodding to himself. 

He bowed his head and adjusted his glasses as he tried to walk past his older sibling only to be held firmly on the arm. "Where do you think you're going glass face?" Jonathan teased wickedly as Oliver lowered his gaze. 

"To my study." He answered. 

Jonathan rolled his eyes, "shut up, you're very boring. Don't tell anyone you saw me with the champagne, or I'll make you swallow your glasses." He smirked evilly. 

Oliver looked up, to meet his green gazes. "You'll be caught anyway." He muttered. 

"Repeat that louder this time." He closed the gap with a balled fist, so Oliver decided to play it wisely. Jonathan had hit him several times before and he wouldn't hesitate to repeat it. 

After a while of silence he let go while muttering a curse, Oliver tried to slip away but Jonathan called out to him. 

"Just so you know Oliver, you were adopted, Mum brought you from South Korea after her trip where she spent a year." He said. Oliver resumed his walk to his study and didn't come across Jonathan till he was out again about to go down the stairs. 

Jonathan grabbed his arm yet again furiously, "you little snitch!" He half yelled. "You told mum!" 

"No, I didn't." Oliver retorted. 

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