Not an update (yet)

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Ok I know I haven't been updating that much but I have moderate reason why. I'm planning on making a second book on this but it will be more focused on the unknown regions which I've been researching in. I honestly didn't think this book would be this long but I'm very glad you all like the story so far. I'm still brainstorming on how to end this one off and continue on the next one, so the next chapter will yake awhile. Sorry for the hold up.

And another thing that I'm not certain yet is that the next book may have waneta as the main character. It will still switch pov from time to time but she will have the spotlight most of the time. But like I said I am not certain on this, so let me know your opinion on this. You're the readers after all. I'm not going to write a story about a character you don't like or have no interest in, so please let me know if you don't like this.

And one last thing. I'm thinking about making a modern war book. I don't know if it should be modern vs modern, modern vs sci-fi, or modern vs magic. Let me know on this as well.

And that's all. I hope you all are having a great day or night and you'll probably have the next chapter next week. IDK yet.

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