Chapter 56

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The chessboard represents Teyvat. This is all the Tsaritsa sees the world as a game she must win. 

Pawns, queens, in the end, it doesn't matter what you are on the chessboard because you'll never get to experience what it is like to win, forever trapped playing an endless game as a piece among many. 

"Childe, can you sneak into the palace and find Scaramouche?" Lumine asked while looking over the chess pieces. 

"Why would you want me to do that?" Childe asked hesitantly. 

"Scaramouche should be willing to join us. Rosalyne and the knave could possibly be convinced as well if they were here." She replied mulling over the options they had. 

"I'll go now then, I'll be careful not to be seen." Childe grabbed a sword that hung on the wall for ceremonies. This sword was endowed with untapped power and crafted to perfection, although now on the duller side it would work better for Childe than a bow would.

Although Childe wouldn't believe that Scaramouche would betray the Fatui. When Lumine said it he wanted to believe it, with all of his heart. 

Lumine never thought that the Fatui would actually attempt to challenge Celestia without collecting every single gnosis first. It seems like they figured out another way to challenge them, she could only assume that the fight would start in Mondstadt instead of Snezhnaya since most of the Harbingers went. What was the Fatui thinking to challenge Celestia when they arent even at full force? They're quite foolish, Lumine thought. 

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