Secret Soulmates

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If ya didn't know this does take place in double life. If you haven't watched the series I highly suggest it!!

Also I rlly only watched Grian's POV so I don't know if scar saw grian and Big B- eh does matter

Also, my spelling will be very bad because I'm writing on phone-


TW: HeartBreak, Cheating

Scars POV

I rode around on my horse looking for my soulmate. In the beginning wow.. it was a lot of emotions.. But I've come to terms that Grian is my soulmate and I will treat him like my love!!! Doesn't matter what happened in 3rd life...

I spotted my beloved and right before I went to yell his name I noticed Big B... At first, I was worried because well if you weren't paying much attention Big B is a red life.. and I and Grian are green lives. He was at so much risk!! But.. they seemed happy. Like they were just chatting. I didn't think much of it until I noticed that Grian handed Big B TnT and other materials. That's when I knew something was wrong. Who would give a red life something like TnT??? And even Redstone!?!?!? I decided to get closer to listen to what they were talking about. Yes I know it isn't good to spy on people but I felt uneasy.

"Where are we at with our secret soulmates, Are we still Secret Soulmates?" Grian said

Wait what... Secret Soulmates... That doesn't... Has he been- WHAT

No One's POV

Grian and Big B continued to talk with each other. Not aware that another person was listening in. Scar had eyes wide and looked so betrayed. He had tears trickling down his face and held back any sound to not alarm the two other men. He sat in a tree nearby and was heartbroken. The words "Secret Soulmate" played continuously in his head. The more he thought of it the more betrayed he felt. He started to run. Run as fast away as possible. Not really having a destination but he just wanted to get as far away as possible. Grian heard a few noises around and started to check the perimeter but found nothing. He simply shrugged and went back to talking to his Secret Soulmate. Meanwhile, Scar had found himself back at their base. Barging in and ignoring the people that looked at him worryingly since he didn't seem to care they were searching for his sugarcane. He ran onto his bed and curled up into a ball and cried. All his emotions just caved. It hurt to hold back sobs. He hugged his pillow tightly. Afraid that even if he let go he would lose the last item that gave him some sort of comfort. The pillow was put between his face and knees, allowing him to not have to worry about hitting his knees at his face. Cleo slowly peered at his sad form and glanced worryingly at the other members nearby.

"Are you okay Scar..?"

Scar sniffed his nose and looked at the zombie. Just nodding and simply shooing them away. The other members just decided it probably was a good idea to not bother him anymore. They left the heartbroken man alone and headed back to their bases. Scar's lip began to quiver and as soon as he knew no other people would bother him he erupted into more tears. It was as if his eyes were cosplaying as a waterfall. His sobs probably could be heard from miles. Maybe even Grian could hear it. But that was the last thing Scar wanted. He continued to cry and cry. His sobbing died down until he just had hitched breath and a stuffy nose. He could hear his soulmate coming back from being out doing god knows what. But Scar continued to lay there. Pretending to be asleep. He didn't have any strength left to get up from the bed and confront the smaller. He heard Grian shuffle and get under the covers of the bed. For now, Scar would ignore the idea of his lover with another. As he opened his eyes to see Grian lying next to him he let the urge to cuddle Grian take over. Scooting over to the small figure and wrapping his arms around Grian. Adjusting so that he could hold Grian while both were comfortable. Now they were both snuggled up together. Although Scar will never get rid of the betrayal he felt. He wanted to bask in the moment. And have no more worries. As he drifted off to sleep. With his love snuggled up to him. He couldn't help but smile. And kiss the small boy on the forehead. And the smaller just smiled. They both fell asleep. Nether knowing what was in store next.


AND I'M DONEEEE. Yay. Wasn't that hard to write lol. Anyways leave suggestions :) I'd love to hear your ideas and I might even use them!!! See ya soon!!! Byeeee ;DDD

Edit: I watched the video (Still from Grians POV) and got some of the actual lines right and what Grian gave BigB (because I already knew Grian gave something to BigB just couldn't remember-) And edited some stuff because. I didn't like how there were some holes in the story. And how I kept forgetting to put ' in words like 'didn't' and 'couldn't' lol. Also, I used Grammarly to help with the spelling but it didn't pick up on a few things. Still, if there is any misspelling pls do tell!!

Edit (Again): noticed more flaws... Lmao. OKAY IM DONE EDITING I SWEAR- I'll probs make another Angsty one-shot tmr. But idk.

Okay, have a nice day :)

Words: 940

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