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"PUMPKIN!" I heard him yell from his room upstairs and I groaned. I had everything ready for the girl that happened to be in his bed that he needed gone. I grabbed the change of clothes for her and her personal belongs he had her leave at the door the night before. I walked upstairs and opened the bedroom door. I saw her trying to hold on to Lloyds arm to pull him back into bed.

"Okay, come on...he is the fuck 'em and leave 'em type. Here are some clothes and your things." I said to the girl laying in the bed and she looked at me like she could believe I had the balls just to walk in his room. Lloyd went to say something. "Your coffee, paper and some files are sitting on your desk." I said looking him in the eye, even though he was standing in front of me completely naked I never showed it bothered me.

"Thank you Pumpkin." Lloyd said, kissed my cheek and I groaned.

"Juni or Juniper, Lloyd please." I said and he smirked at me.

"Pumpkin." Lloyd said and I rolled my eyes. I had worked for Lloyd for almost 2 years, he only called me by name when introducing me to people, I actually made him or if he was really pissed at me. The girl was dressed and walked over to Lloyd, I intercepted her and grabbed her arm.

"Come on, the car is waiting outside." I said and took her down the steps to the front door. Once I got her outside much to her protest the security guards took her to the waiting cab.

"Thanks boys." I said smiling at them.

"Anything for you Juni." The one said and I smiled at him. I closed the door and I heard a mocking voice coming down the stairs.

"Anything for you Juni...god, such suck ups. I hired them, not you." I noticed Lloyd was dressed in his usual tight polo shirt and white pants with his loafers.

"Yeah well, if we must be completely honest I think I do all the work around here." I said as Lloyd walked past me and stopped.

"What did you just say?" Lloyd asked me walking up to me.

"I do all the work around here." I said not scared of him even though he was towering over me. He grabbed me by my throat and shoved me against the wall, holding me there. I tried not to struggle knowing it would make it worse. He got close to my face and just looked at me not seeing any fear or panic.

"You don't do everything pumpkin, trust me. You do only what I allow you to do." Lloyd said and I just nodded. He let me go. I had to admit him holding me like that gave me an aching feeling between my legs that I had to clench my legs closed to try to release. I was able to hide it from Lloyd since he was my employer as well as a few things, hitman being the most important. Once he let me go I went to walk away and he grabbed my arm.

"Where do you think you are going now?" He asked and I groaned.

"Unless you want to smell her cheep perfume on your bedsheets tonight as well, I thought I would go change the bedding." I said and he smirked.

"Good girl." He said and I rolled my eyes trying to show annoyance but really it, the praise kink, was real. He kissed my cheek again and I groaned as he released me and I walked up to Lloyd's room. I found the girls clothes ripped to shreds...I can see he was animalistic last night. I knew he was hunting someone and when he couldn't find them the poor girls he brought home, their clothes never stood a chance. I quickly made the bed and then took everything to the laundry room and started the washer. I went back downstairs and Lloyd was yelling when I reached the bottom of the steps.

"PUMPKIN!" I knew he couldn't see me so I stood right where I was with my arms crossed. The guard from outside was now inside the door and he saw me standing there. I shook my head and he gave a small snicker. "PUMPKIN!!" Lloyd yelled louder and I still stood there with my arms crossed. "Oh for fucks sake...JUNIPER!" I smiled and walked into where he was.

"Yes?" I asked and he growled at me.

"Were you standing and waiting for me to just call your name?" Lloyd asked. He knew I was, it was a game he liked to play and I loved playing it with him.

"No, of course not..." I trailed off. He knew I was but this was part of the game. "What do you need?" I asked and he sighed.

"I missed seeing your smiling face." Lloyd said and I rolled my eyes

"What do you want Lloyd?" I asked. Sometimes I hated my job, Lloyd Hansen was why I hated this job. I was hired by Lloyd to be a live in maid, personal assistant...whatever he needed and he took advantage sometimes and knew I would do anything for him, except sleep with him, he said that was a line we would never cross.

"Did our visitor get off okay?" Lloyd asked and I couldn't help myself.

"I don't know, you tell me...did she?" I asked and he shook his head dropping it to hid his smirk.

"Good one Pumpkin...I mean did we get her out of her okay?" Lloyd asked and I nodded.

"Yep, cab was waiting for her." I said and Lloyd nodded and I went to walk away.

"And to answer your other question, yes she got off just fine, no complaints." Lloyd said to my back. I stopped walking. I took a deep breath and kept walking.


I was sitting in the tech room later with Lloyd reading a book while he watched the monitors and was looking for something or someone. I didn't want to be in here, but he insisted I be in the room in case he needed something.

"Pumpkin." Lloyd said, I didn't look up from my book.

"Yes, darling?" I asked, I saw Lloyds head whip around to look at me. I looked up at him finally and he was just staring at me. "Why should I call you your name if you don't use mine?" I asked and he growled.

"Juni, What's for dinner?" Lloyd said and I shrugged.

"The chef said he is making something, didn't tell me what. I wasn't sure you would even be dining at home tonight." I said and he groaned.

"Well I will be so go figure it out." Lloyd grumbled and I got up setting my book down. I was walking away when I heard Lloyd huff a laugh.

"What?" I asked turning around annoyed. He pointed to my book that was a cheesy smut novel.

"You read that shit?" Lloyd asked.

"Have to get action from somewhere since I'm not getting any here Lloyd." I said, turned and continued walking to the kitchen. As I passed the front door, I heard Lloyd grumble.

"Who the fuck is that?!" He yelled to the one tech working on the front gate camera. I saw Lloyd put in an earpiece and talk to the front gate. He huffed a laugh and then looked at me.

"Pumpkin open the door." Lloyd said ripping the earpiece out and walking to the door as I opened it. I saw a car pull up and a guy get out of the back of it throwing money at the driver. The guy grabbed his bag and walked up the front steps.

"Ransom Drysdale..." Lloyd said and chuckled.

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